I think there should be rules regarding pictures!

Any of the other men on this forum think that there should be rules regarding pictures?

I think so.

A few examples:

1) There is a provider on this forum that joined 5-years ago and she has been using same pictures for the last 5-years. Personally, I think she should be banned unless she updates her pictures.
2) There are many providers on this forum that post ads where they say "New pictures.". The question is how new is new? There is a provider on this forum that took new pictures earlier this year (January/February) but this provider keeps posting ads that say "New pictures." Personally, pictures that are older then 3-months are "not new".

So what are the rules when it comes to "new pictures"?

There are no rules. Some women don't change much in years. Others can be dated in months. As long as thats what she looks like, I dont care how old they are
WOMBAT's Avatar
Excellent comment Shea!
blowmypop23's Avatar
Originally Posted by Shea Veile
Well seeing as how this is a board for men to find and pay ladies it would make sense that men would do most of the bitching. When you are a customer anywhere it's makes sense that you do the complaining when you aren't happy with something. It wouldn't make sense for the restaurant owner to come out and bitch to all his customers. He'd go out of business.

It is perfectly withing his rights to ban a customer for bitching to much or simply close his doors and go out of business. No one is forcing him to deal with what he considers constant drama or too many rules.

I agree there are ladies using the same pics from 5+ years ago. It would be nice to get accurate or updated pics every so often.

More rules?? Why should the ladies have a bigger load of rules to follow than the men do?? They already carry the brunt of them; not the men.

Let the men take accountability for once. Vote with the wallet. It's that easy.

If you don't like the looks of the lady when you arrive (not 10 minutes later or the whole session), then simply make it clear she didn't met your expectations, leave a reasonable cancellation fee for taking a portion of her time and exit without making any unnecessary remarks. When it happens to her enough times and possibly includes reviews stating it too, maybe she'll finally make those changes.

We can sit around and gripe constantly about the same subject for decades and still never get anywhere. Hence, just 2 days ago:

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1488560&highl ight=pictures.

A few answers to the questions are listed in it and make some fairly good points.

Ban the ladies?? Seriously?? Why not ban every whiner that posts. It would take up a lot less bandwidth and save quite a bit of eye strain & headaches.

Go ahead. Rag on me if it makes you feel better. I'll be sure to gift you with a box of tampons and a bottle of Midol so you can get through the rest of the evening. I'm so glad I don't deal with periods anymore. Apparently, a lot of people are suffering.

Please create or find another subject that hasn't been rehashed constantly. There are so many other things to discuss about the hobby. Sadly, it's not often a really interesting topic comes along.

This thread reminds me of the longest stretch of road in the US (Hwy 20) and how many times it's been traveled:


wellendowed1911's Avatar
Why should the ladies have a bigger load of rules to follow than the men do?? They already carry the brunt of them; not the men.

Let the men take accountability for once. Vote with the wallet. It's that easy.

If you don't like the looks of the lady when you arrive (not 10 minutes later or the whole session), then simply make it clear she didn't met your expectations, leave a reasonable cancellation fee for taking a portion of her time and exit without making any unnecessary remarks. When it happens to her enough times, maybe she'll finally make those changes.

We can sit around and gripe constantly about the same subject for decades and still never get anywhere. Hence (just 2 days ago): http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1488560&highl ight=pictures. The answers to the questions are listed in it and make fairly good points.

Ban the ladies?? Seriously?? Why not ban every whiner that posts. It would take up a lot less bandwidth and save quite a bit of eye strain & headaches.

Go ahead. Rag on me if it makes you feel better. I'll be sure to gift you with a box of tampons and a bottle of Midol so you can get through the rest of the evening. I'm so glad I don't deal with periods anymore. Apparently, a lot of people are suffering.

Please create or find another subject that hasn't been rehashed constantly. There are so many other things to discuss about the hobby. Sadly, it's not often a really good topic comes along.

This thread reminds me of the longest stretch of road in the US (Hwy 20) and how many times it's been traveled: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/infrastructure/longest.cfm

. Originally Posted by Shea Veile
I agree with what you said with the exception of what I have highlighted. I don't know if the OP is referring to a specific person or person(s)- I have fortunately been satisfied with the looks of the majority of the providers I have seen- some were a little different from their showcase pics- but no big deal.
However, if a provider is posting pics from 5 years ago- and we all know a lot can happen in 5 years for better or worse-mostly worse in this industry, nevertheless if I arrive and let's say she's 50 lbs heavier and did not age well in the 5 years- Yes I agree with you that I should tell her she didn't meet my expectations, but where in the heck do you get the idea that the hobbyist owes her a cancellation fee for taking a portion of her time? Heck if anything she should owe me something for wasting my time. Why should we reward someone for misrepresentation? Do you think hobbyist don't have valuable time? You do know most hobbyist have legitimate jobs and a life outside the hobby? In your logic we should also reward ladies who bait and switch- keep in mind posting old pics of what you look like 5 years ago is still bait and switch if you currently do not look like those pics- no different if I was posting a picture of a 2013 car in immaculate condition and you how up and the same car looks nothing like the pic I posted- in other words- scratches/peeling paint/dents/ missing tail light- do you think the buyer owes me something for wasting my time?
blowmypop23's Avatar
The Ops "ban them" solution is way over the top. Silly reason to ban someone. I don't have any problem calling them out in a review, or in our area. No way I'm paying a cancellation fee for a bait and switch. Like W.E. said my time is valuable to. I'm walking out and I'm telling them why I'm walking out. No kid gloves here- and then I'm writing a coed review about her pics.
I agree with what you said with the exception of what I have highlighted. I don't know if the OP is referring to a specific person or person(s)- I have fortunately been satisfied with the looks of the majority of the providers I have seen- some were a little different from their showcase pics- but no big deal.
However, if a provider is posting pics from 5 years ago- and we all know a lot can happen in 5 years for better or worse-mostly worse in this industry, nevertheless if I arrive and let's say she's 50 lbs heavier and did not age well in the 5 years- Yes I agree with you that I should tell her she didn't meet my expectations, but where in the heck do you get the idea that the hobbyist owes her a cancellation fee for taking a portion of her time? Heck if anything she should owe me something for wasting my time.
Why should we reward someone for misrepresentation? Do you think hobbyist don't have valuable time? You do know most hobbyist have legitimate jobs and a life outside the hobby?
In your logic we should also reward ladies who bait and switch- keep in mind posting old pics of what you look like 5 years ago is still bait and switch if you no currently look like those pics- no different if I was posting a picture of a 2013 car in immaculate condition and you how up and the same car looks nothing like the pic I posted- in other words- scratches/peeling paint/dents/ missing tail light- do you think the buyer owes me something for wasting my time? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

For the love of God, please learn to use punctuation and proper spacing, including paragraphs. A huge wall of blathering text is all I can see. It had to be broken down in sections so the rest of the membership can make sense of it.

The ladies put just as much time and efforts if not more of it into their appearances and the upkeep of their incalls, for the most part. Of course, some don't.

Do you honestly think all of the ladies sit around in lingerie on our asses eating bon-bons every day while waiting for someone to call for a session?? LMAO!! Go ahead and keep believing that. I'll gladly sell you a piece of oceanfront property in the middle of the Arizona desert.

I can't speak for anyone else but I can definitely say I have a real life job like most people and don't depend on men who think they're entitled to everything. Something about the inflated ego totally turns me off.

I agree that many things can happen in 5 years. If there is a huge difference in the pics, let her know it isn't acceptable. There's no issue with that. Her resources are probably scarce though as while she's trying to make ends meet. There's a huge misconception that ladies are rolling in piles of cash to afford large expenses.

Pics can be costly, especially if someone like myself is very picky about which images survive the cuts and that leads to many useless collections of shoots that end up thrown out. I don't publish poor quality work and I refuse to use inexperienced wannabe photographers.

Like I said previously, the former thread addresses most of the OP's rant.

Shared again: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...light=pictures

The cancellation donation is just a suggestion for the block of time she reserved for you since you requested it; nothing more than that. However, I resent you stating I condone bait & switch!! You don't know me at all nor anything about my thoughts. Unless we're conjoined twins, you're very much mistaken.

I've sold many cars. Ladies don't equate remotely close to them. I get the general analogy but it's still a stretch to lump the ladies into an unrelated field and market. We're humans.

Why not round up the men and treat them like cattle in stockyard lots waiting for auction or worse?? That's exactly how it feels around here and the behaviors towards the ladies.

blowmypop23's Avatar
Things seem to get recycled around here a lot once they fall off page 1. There are many topics that seem to get beaten to death.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
[QUOTE=Shea Veile;1057162630]For the love of God, please learn to use punctuation and proper spacing, including paragraphs. A huge wall of blathering text is all I can see. It had to be broken down in sections so the rest of the membership can make sense of it.

Well let me let you know something right off the top- I have 3 degrees - I could give a fucking rat's ass for punctuation/misspelled words/grammatical errors on a fucking whore board. I am not turning in a resume or submitting a thesis. Next time I message you- I'll make sure if I have on a suit and tie and some nice dress shoes because shit- if I have a error perhaps I will get turned down for a session.
The ladies put just as much time and efforts if not more of it into their appearances and the upkeep of their incalls, for the most part. Of course, some don't.
Did I mention anything about ladies upkeeps or having a shitty apartment? I am pretty sure you have some men who keep up with their uptake and appearance and some who don't- so carry-on!

Do you honestly think all of the ladies sit around in lingerie on our asses eating bon-bons every day waiting for someone to call for a session?? LMAO!! Go ahead and keep believing that. I'll gladly sell you a piece of oceanfront property in the middle of the Arizona desert.
Again- there you go jumping to conclusions- where did I say or give you the idea that ladies/providers are lazy. You made the reference of wasting time- sorry but if a hobbyist looks at a provider's showcase and sees pics of a 120lb lady and he sets up a appointment and arrives and the lady is 170lbs- tell me again who's time got wasted?

I can't speak for you but I can definitely say I have a real life job like most people and don't depend on men who think they're entitled to everything. Something about the inflated ego totally turns me off.
I don't need you to speak for me- majority of my sessions have been outcalls- any provider who I have reviewed will tell you I live a very nice lifestyle- 3 degrees- one of which is a Doctorate- but carry-on!

I agree that many things can happen in 5 years. If there is a huge difference in the pics, let her know it isn't acceptable. There's no issue with that. Her resources are probably scarce though at the moment while she's trying to make ends meet. There's a huge misconception that ladies are rolling in piles of cash to afford large expenses.
Trust me- the average hobbyist knows that most providers are not rolling in huge amounts of cash.

Pics can be costly, especially if someone like myself is very picky about which images survive the cuts and that leads to many useless collections of crap that end up thrown out. I don't publish poor quality work.
Pics are part of the business- and if they are too costly- perhaps the provider needs to seek another business. Trust me - what will really be costly if word gets out that she's using outdated 5 year old pics and no one wants to see the lady. Here's prime example- I can go to the Men's Lounge or even Co-Ed and say : hey I know this great lady- she gave me the best session I ever had- she is by far the most skilled lady I have ever been with- guys go see her... Do you know what the first word(s) the men will reply? You don't have to be a genius, but they will say-post some pics of her... If you think pics aren't that important- tell a newcomer provider to post an AD and don't include any pics- so how many guys will take the bait. Men are visual- you think a hobbyist will schedule an appointment and have no clue what the lady looks like? Surely you are not that naïve- like I said if she can't afford decent pics than she's in the wrong field- almost like a guy who can't afford to spend more than 100 dollars for a session- basically unless he wants BNG- he's on the wrong forum if he thinks he's going to get an hour session for 100 dollars- this industry isn't for everyone.

Like I said previously, the former thread addresses most of the OP's rant.

However, I resent you stating I condone bait & switch!! You don't know me at all nor anything about my thoughts. Until we're conjoined twins, you're very much mistaken.
You don't know me either and let's keep it that way and I condone you saying if the lady doesn't look like her pics that we should still give her a cancellation fee. No matter how you try to sugar coat it- if she looks considerably different from her pics it's BAIT and SWITCH

I've sold many cars. Ladies don't equate remotely close to them. I get the general analogy but it's still a stretch to lump the ladies into an unrelated field of a buyer's market.
Honestly, if you break it down a lot of similarities- guys like fast, hot cars that catch their eyes- the same way they like woman- HOT and eye catching. Typically guys get interested when a new model comes to the market- equate that with how guys react when a new lady hits the welcome wagon. A salesperson has to compete with other people and try to sell you the goods- provider pretty much has to do the same with ADS/Chat/reviews etc. Both industries a good or bad review can affect your business. When the car is old and broken down- no one wants it anymore- same happens when a lady has worn out her welcome. You can go to the Car lot and get a free test drive and if you are slick talker you can go to the Welcome Wagon and get a free test drive(experienced hobbyist will get that inside jab).
Why not round up the men and treat them like cattle in stockyard lots waiting for auction or worse?? That's exactly how it feels around here and the behaviors towards the ladies.
just out of curiosity are your pics outdated? You seem to be very sensitive towards the subject- if your pics aren't outdated why would you even care or comment?
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 09-07-2015, 09:00 PM
Handful of thoughts:

1. Would be nearly impossible to enforce without exif data.
2. Would not be comprehensive.
3. Would be costly for the ladies both in photo shoot cost, and time spent.
4. A new picture can be just as bogus as an old one, a good picture can cover up a lot more than makeup.

If you feel the girl/woman misrepresents herself say something imo, help her tcb. You aren't here to make friends (I assume) so don't pull punches. There is already enough red tape for all of us to go thru without adding more.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Handful of thoughts:

1. Would be nearly impossible to enforce without exif data.
2. Would not be comprehensive.
3. Would be costly for the ladies both in photo shoot cost, and time spent.
4. A new picture can be just as bogus as an old one, a good picture can cover up a lot more than makeup.

If you feel the girl/woman misrepresents herself say something imo, help her tcb. You aren't here to make friends (I assume) so don't pull punches. There is already enough red tape for all of us to go thru without adding more. Originally Posted by ktiix
Good points made- but if you are posting pics from 5 years ago versus pics you took in Jan of 2015- big difference- if she can't afford to take pics in 5 years- like I stated wrong profession. I surely don't expect ladies to take new professional pics every 3 months-there are some ladies who have been blessed and have kept themselves up where they still look the same from like 2 years ago- really no need to update pics and if the lady is so fortunate that she still looks the same from 5 years ago than God bless her.
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 09-07-2015, 09:07 PM
Good points made- but if you are posting pics from 5 years ago versus pics you took in Jan of 2015- big difference- if she can't afford to take pics in 5 years- like I stated wrong profession. I surely don't expect ladies to take new professional pics every 3 months-there are some ladies who have been blessed and have kept themselves up where they still look the same from like 2 years ago- really no need to update pics and if the lady is so fortunate that she still looks the same from 5 years ago than God bless her. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
5 years is pretty stale I agree. Yearly pictures would be nice.
Shea nailed it, this is not so much a rule per se, but I wonder how much business is lost (or the wrong crowd attracted) when ladies take pictures and the background is trashed out, messy or just plain old nasty. Ladies, many guys pay attention to where the picture was taken and what was in the background as much as the lady.

p.s. Shea, i would love to take a shot at taking pictures of you, even if they all make the cutting room floor, the experience alone is bucket list item!!