Fake pics?

Question for both. Guys, what do you do when you meet a provider with fake pics? Any good storiesz?

Ladies, do you or have you used fake pics? If so why? And did it ever put you in a bad situation?
The pictures I post are 100% me the good and bad. I rather be upfront and let the guy see me and be either pleased or not then show up and be so disappointed he wants to leave. If a lady is using pictures that are hiding her flaws it will come out and it makes her look worst then being up front.
The pictures I post are 100% me the good and bad. I rather be upfront and let the guy see me and be either pleased or not then show up and be so disappointed he wants to leave. If a lady is using pictures that are hiding her flaws it will come out and it makes her look worst then being up front. Originally Posted by Truly Passion
Pictures taken from a flattering angle or highlighting her best features don't bother me...but I, too, want to hear stories about meeting a provider who is clearly bait and switch with her photos...
Cpalmson's Avatar
No good stories, but if the pics are clearly an attempt at bait and switch, I'd walk away and not give her a dime. Now, if the pics don't match, but she is still hot, then game on.
Still Looking's Avatar
Out dated pictures have caused some very unpleasant situations that never end well. Never ran into "fake" pictures here on ECCIE. Back Page it seems to be the standard.
If someone has fake pictures, just walk away. I know it sucks, and I know you were excited, but there are a ton of us who are honest out there who don't deserve to be out an appointment, and you don't deserve to pay to be tricked.

If she looks very different from her pictures, but it's still her, you can either stay or go. But do please mention it in the review. Again, there are a ton of us out there that put in the work to deserve our rates and be who we represent ourselves to be, and there are a ton of guys out there who are paying to much to be jerked around with pictures that aren't representative of the girl.

I know a girl that used fake pictures during her divorce. To the average person, you couldn't tell the difference. I couldn't, and I had probably seen her naked more than any of her clients. But, it was different enough to where her husband (who suspected), wouldn't be able to say "I know that's you!". I think that may be the only kind of situation I could even begin to say it was ok.

I know lots of girls who use outdated pics though. As much as I love them, it is pretty frustrating to know that we work exactly the same amount, even though I'm the only one who's made any sort of an attempt to maintain myself. When I was with an agency, we had girls that would show their face on ads, and when we met in person, I couldn't even recognize them. We can't all be perfect all the time, and people change, but that's just as bad as fake pics, IMO. 50 pounds is a big difference, 15 years is a big difference, a boob job is a big difference. People shouldn't be surprised by something like that.
I do a lot of homework when I want to see someone special. Seldom am I surprised......but if I screwed up and didn't do my homework and the door opened and it was Bait and Switch I wouldn't hesitate. I would just turn around and leave.
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
Now, if the pics don't match, but she is still hot, then game on. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Pretty sure just about every guy would have that reaction, "you're not the chick in the pics, but you'll do!"
I use my real photos and date them for accuracy but I always wonder why girls post fakes. I would think the man will turn around and walk out. Why waste everyone's time?