Jimmy Carter Slams Obama In NYT OpEd

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This proves that Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst President in history. He takes Obama to task on his human rights record. Obama's record on human rights is as bad, or worse than GW Bush. And Carter tells it like it is.


Thank you, President Carter, for reminding us who we are on the international stage.

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-25-2012, 09:33 PM
Carter is just pissed he will no longer have the title of "Worst President of ALL TIME"..... LMFAO
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
J. Carter maybe an idiot on a number of things, but on this one, he has it right with the drone killings.
President Carter never met an ass he couldn't kiss.

I don't get the innocent civilian thing. It is like the peolple who worked in the Factories in WW2 producing the instruments of destruction that allowed the Nazi Soldier to wage war. They made the bullets that killed Americans. The Allies literally bombed the cities of Germany untill there were no more people to make bullets.

If you are in the same house with a known terroist, then you should live with the fear that at any moment, death and hell could come down in the way of a Drone.

President Obama well knows that Americans are not against war, we just don't like seeing Americans killed. Welcome to the 21st Century, where a tech man sitting at a console can drop a bomb right in your lap while you are saying "please pass the salt".
What nonsense. Carter is an enfeebled old man trying to act like what he thinks still matters.

President Obama is killing enemy combatants who pose a direct threat to the welfare of the people of the United States. Collateral damage is inevitable, regrettable and also justifiable. Tell the people of Pakistan and the other countries who are harboring these terrorists with a safe haven to boot their asses out and we'll stop feeding them smoke.