NRA endorsing 58 incumbent Houste Democrats, even ones who are anti-gun

I find this simply amazing, these Democrats are trying a new strat to get the endorsement of the NRA. Part of the deal is to vote for the contempt charge against Eric Holder. Then they would get the endorsement and backing of the NRA.

The NRA has even said they would back Nancy Pelosi..lmao A number of Republicans are upset by this. In the end the promise to give their endorsement and backing to these Dems and once all the documents are turned out and nothing shows to have been covered up.. well.. all I can say is this is an interesting strategy by the Dems.


Article link below:
Ever heard the term, "cut off your nose to spite your face"? Or something to that affect? Well some are so hell bent on destroying this president they are doing things that are backfiring on them, and I suspect this too will eventually backfire on them.
...and another example of what I am talking about..NRA sells out Freedom article

This whole political game is well a game of chess..
I was a NRA member till they were pressuring me to vote for all who were pro gun,regardless on if they also wanted to tax my ass off.
Did you notice your article is from 2010? And it even states that the NRA has endorsed Dems many times in the past?

Less eccentricity please.

I find this simply amazing, these Democrats are trying a new strat to get the endorsement of the NRA. Part of the deal is to vote for the contempt charge against Eric Holder. Then they would get the endorsement and backing of the NRA.

The NRA has even said they would back Nancy Pelosi..lmao A number of Republicans are upset by this. In the end the promise to give their endorsement and backing to these Dems and once all the documents are turned out and nothing shows to have been covered up.. well.. all I can say is this is an interesting strategy by the Dems.


Article link below: Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1