"President Obama yesterday congratulated the “Miami Heats” for winning the NBA championship. He singled out James Lebron for particular praise (sorry, I made that part up as a composite).

This isn’t the only evidence that Obama is a phony sports fan. Our president loves to talk about his devotion to the Chicago White Sox; he did it again at a fundraiser two days ago. But when asked a while back to name a single member of his favorite team, Obama stammered:

You know uh ….. I I … I thought that … uh …. you know, … the truth is a lot of the Cubs I like too! But, uh … I did not become a Sox fan until I moved to Chicago. Because I uh …. I was growing up in Hawaii so I ended up actually being an Oakland A’s fan.

The truth is that Obama has been misrepresenting himself to an unsuspecting public ever since his first foray into national self-promotion — his autobiography, no less. Obama’s alleged sportsfan status is the amusing tip of a deadly iceberg."
joe bloe's Avatar
Liberals will dismiss this kind of stuff as meanlingless. It isn't; it's part of the core nature of Obama. He's an imposter. There is nothing genuine about this guy. At least nothing he ever lets us see. I remember the Jim Carrey movie "Liar Liar". If someone put a spell on Obama like the character in the movie, so that he always told the truth, I think the country would be astonished by what they'd discover.
I'm surprised you didn't bring up his golf to see if he can name any pros.
I bet he could spout off his favorite commie/socalist heros real quick.
Thanks for the reminder, Obama is working on record 110 rounds, during the worst economic recession since the great depression. Beating Ike 's golf round count. And Eisenhower had a booming post war economy to relax ..Obama certainly wins the title Slacker In Chief.

I'm surprised you didn't bring up his golf to see if he can name any pros. Originally Posted by ekim008
cptjohnstone's Avatar
he will have plenty of time for golf after November 6
if the polls are close fore more years.