I found the what clean up doctor are using to fake Covid-19

Ripmany's Avatar
It poison ivy oil fumes, have you ever burn poison I've it cause a list smell sore throat lung get fuck, and some time a rash. The covid test random and fake. If you old and week and you inhale poison week inhale poison ivy gas you die. This is why have where spots.
Ripmany's Avatar
Test two does Benadryl help - the cure poison Ivy gas
Answer Yes
Ripmany's Avatar
Poison ivy on the rise I never see it when was kid now see it lawns. Burn it you make whole group people sick.
Ripmany's Avatar
As the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, it's boosting the growth of poison ivy plants, two recent studies show. These elevated carbon dioxide levels are creating bigger, stronger poison ivy plants that produce more urushiol, the oil that causes the allergic reaction and miserable poison ivy rash
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tetanus shot #13