Constitutioal question

What happens if Congress cannot count electoral votes today due to the mayhem? Does it have to finish on the 6th, or is convening today and finishing later enough? Or, that be the plan to disrupt?
Good question.

I also wondered about the situation that Senator Cruz was talking about, protesting the Electoral College Votes of several states and doing a 10 day investigative hearing.

I don't think what the Democrats did for the last 4 years, the last minute election rule changes that took place because of the pandemic that almost guaranteed fraud is several states, is going to end any time soon. Especially the press hiding the Hunter Biden laptop and FBI investigation of the Biden's.

You can only have a nation of laws if all the politicians are held accountable. Since the Clinton's were in the White House the double standard of holding Republicans to the rule of law and covering up the Democrats law breaking has continued to escalate with most reporters covering up for the Democrats.

Today has been pretty minor compared to what could occur.
Thanks for the reply. But doesn't address the question...I'd prefer to stay on topic.
They will convene and finish.
HedonistForever's Avatar
They will try to finish but I'm wondering after everything that happened after the Arizona debt, the Republicans will not call for more debate on any more states. That is what I think will happen.

But if you didn't hear McConnell's speech in the first debate, you should. I was very impressed and thought it one of the best speeches I have ever heard. If you choose not to, I will tell you that just like Mike Pence did, he threw Trump under the bus. Pence and McConnell both defied Trump.

McConnell pointing out that Democrats tried this very maneuver against Trump, it failed and McConnell said "we must not imitate ( Democrats ) escalate, what we repudiate.
So, being from Missouri, I'm especially curious about Josh Hawking. Personally, I don't trust him. Pure opportunist.
As everyone here knows, I'm Republican. But Trump stands alone now. Doesn't matter what he tries to do, he can dive into a hole. Doesn't matter what the law says. HF hits it on the head above. Pence and McConnell set is straight.
Thanks Tickler. I'm independent as hell and actually welcome a strong role party system. My opinion is that Trump will or has split the Republican party so that they will be ineffectual. Could change when he is out of office and they regroup, but I think they will have to adjust to remain a force.
HedonistForever's Avatar
As everyone here knows, I'm Republican. But Trump stands alone now. Doesn't matter what he tries to do, he can dive into a hole. Doesn't matter what the law says. HF hits it on the head above. Pence and McConnell set is straight. Originally Posted by DTickler

Thank you.

This was the nail in Trump's coffin. There isn't a chance in Hell any Republican worth his or her salt, will ever support him again. I predicted that with a loss, Trump would lose the key people he needed on his side like Pence, McConnell, Cotton and this just accelerated his downfall.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
He should be in jail by the morning along with his family this is the END OF THE TRUMPS
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-06-2021, 05:37 PM
I've brought up Steven King's, The Dead Zone before when discussing Trump. Trump reminded me of the villain in this book/movie.

HedonistForever's Avatar
As I suspected, when Georgia came up for debate, one of the states it was thought would be up for rejection of electors, no Senator stepped up though it was thought that one would. There was applause in House.

Hawley said he would call for debate on Penn. since Penn. was one of the states like Georgia where state voting rules were changed and only the state Legislature could do that.

This appears to be the main driver of this process to reject electors. Not to over turn the election. Nobody believed that was ever going to happen. Hawley and other Senators and House members just wanted to try and ensure there would be a commission to look into this problem of states failing to follow their own rules.

Only 6 Senators actually went through with voting not to accept the Arizona electors, the first to be up for debate.

Penn. will probably be the only other state that might hold up the final tally.
winn dixie's Avatar
Good question.

I also wondered about the situation that Senator Cruz was talking about, protesting the Electoral College Votes of several states and doing a 10 day investigative hearing.

I don't think what the Democrats did for the last 4 years, the last minute election rule changes that took place because of the pandemic that almost guaranteed fraud is several states, is going to end any time soon. Especially the press hiding the Hunter Biden laptop and FBI investigation of the Biden's.

You can only have a nation of laws if all the politicians are held accountable. Since the Clinton's were in the White House the double standard of holding Republicans to the rule of law and covering up the Democrats law breaking has continued to escalate with most reporters covering up for the Democrats.

Today has been pretty minor compared to what could occur. Originally Posted by farmstud60
On topic and well written!
The hatred for our Constitution and American way of life is on full display by the libs in this thread and many others!
smokedog01's Avatar
Penn. will probably be the only other state that might hold up the final tally. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

The Senate will likely yield all their time and go straight to a roll call vote. I expect it to move through the House quickly but not that quickly.
They will try to finish but I'm wondering after everything that happened after the Arizona debt, the Republicans will not call for more debate on any more states. That is what I think will happen.

But if you didn't hear McConnell's speech in the first debate, you should. I was very impressed and thought it one of the best speeches I have ever heard. If you choose not to, I will tell you that just like Mike Pence did, he threw Trump under the bus. Pence and McConnell both defied Trump.

McConnell pointing out that Democrats tried this very maneuver against Trump, it failed and McConnell said "we must not imitate ( Democrats ) escalate, what we repudiate. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I was surprised by McConnell's speech. And thought it was excellent.
I was also somewhat surprised by Pence defying president cheeto by saying this morning he would not overturn the election results.

It's too bad it took them 4 years to finally grow a set. But better late than never.

Part of another post by HF:

This appears to be the main driver of this process to reject electors. Not to over turn the election.

This is not the main reason Trump wanted to try and reject electors. He is attempting to steal the election no matter the cost. And will obviously stop at nothing to attempt to achieve his goal.

January 6, 2021. The day our time honored tradition of peaceful transfer of power died. Bye Bye Miss American Pie.