Double Standard DEMOS

Rachelina's Avatar
About what happened yesterday when they were MUTE including
SLOW BIDEN concerning Portland and Seattle. BTW..BOTH DEMOCRATIC CITIES.

Talk about RULE OF LAW??
Double standard to me.

Also what's up with these Mail in ballots?


These are the same people who go shopping for food but TOO LAZY and freaked out about going to a Voter site with a machine where you just pull the handle...Like In & Out Burger.

Get off your lazy ass '''Don't go to Walmart..You might catch the virus with pre existing conditions..Overweight,Diabete s,Etc.
Just keep on eating Hot Dogs & Mac & Cheese.

These same people can't wait 2 minutes to cast their REAL vote in the booth because of Covid?
Just NEVER go out of your house.
Also good DEMO leadership taking so long to restore order.

Real joke..
Visting my last day here in Houston you can tell me your opinion in person by the Galleria.

Let me wish everyone a wonderful day.

"Anticipation Makes The Hard On Longer"
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-07-2021, 07:41 AM
Rachelina, wtf you doing whoring here in Houston? Why aren't you up in DC rioting at the Capital?

If I didn't know better I might think that you are one of those gop brainwashed housewives letting your husband speak for you.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Talk about RULE OF LAW??
Double standard to me.

Originally Posted by Rachelina
Not just you. It's obvious if you have light skin, you will not be shot as you advance and make the Capitol Police walk back.

Pentagon, lambasted for heavy response in the past, on sideline during Capitol melee

Last year, during the racial justice protests, Trump ordered a vast contingent of guardsmen onto the streets of Washington and fell out with Pentagon leadership after his defense secretary warned against deploying active-troops under the Insurrection Act in the capital’s streets. But as the president’s supporters signaled their intent to descend upon Congress this week, Trump issued no such orders.

In his statement on Wednesday, Miller said he and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark A. Milley, consulted with Pence, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) before fully activating the D.C. Guard, but Miller didn’t mention any consultations with Trump.

I have to work.

But that camel toe will suffice.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Drank the wrong sports drink, it appears.

Based on reactions by the enthralled, Fox must be putting out a narrative that somehow what happened in Portland and Seattle was in any way similar to the assault on the Capitol yesterday.

Jedi mind tricks work only on the weak minded.
matchingmole's Avatar
About what happened yesterday when they were MUTE including
SLOW BIDEN concerning Portland and Seattle. BTW..BOTH DEMOCRATIC CITIES.

Talk about RULE OF LAW??
Double standard to me.

Also what's up with these Mail in ballots?


These are the same people who go shopping for food but TOO LAZY and freaked out about going to a Voter site with a machine where you just pull the handle...Like In & Out Burger.

Get off your lazy ass '''Don't go to Walmart..You might catch the virus with pre existing conditions..Overweight,Diabete s,Etc.
Just keep on eating Hot Dogs & Mac & Cheese.

These same people can't wait 2 minutes to cast their REAL vote in the booth because of Covid?
Just NEVER go out of your house.
Also good DEMO leadership taking so long to restore order.

Real joke..
Visting my last day here in Houston you can tell me your opinion in person by the Galleria.

Let me wish everyone a wonderful day.

"Anticipation Makes The Hard On Longer"
Originally Posted by Rachelina