ICE immigration arrests

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
this is going to shit some of the supporters of the illegals.

arresting mayors for aiding & abetting illegals.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-29-2017, 09:42 AM
this is going to shit some of the supporters of the illegals.

arresting mayors for aiding & abetting illegals. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Please let me know how that works out for you.

Maybe our military can occupy cities that do not do as the Federal Government wants!
this is going to shit some of the supporters of the illegals.

arresting mayors for aiding & abetting illegals. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Which i fully agree with. FEDERAL laws govern Illegal immigration, and states refusing to enforce those laws, or fail to cooperate with federal agents, are Violating the laws, FAILING their oaths of office to UPHOLD the laws, and thus SHOULD get arrested..
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Please let me know how that works out for you.

Maybe our military can occupy cities that do not do as the Federal Government wants! Originally Posted by WTF
this isn't about the military you fool!!!!!

ICE is Immigration & Customs Enforcement agency. A federal agency and has no relation to the military. Their job is to detain, arrest & deport illegals. If they find people interfering with their duties, they do arrest them.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-29-2017, 10:00 AM
this isn't about the military you fool!!!!!

ICE is Immigration & Customs Enforcement agency. A federal agency and has no relation to the military. Their job is to detain, arrest & deport illegals. If they find people interfering with their duties, they do arrest them. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Let's see how arresting mayors works out for them.

Like I've said, we are slowly headed to a police state.
LexusLover's Avatar
Just send in the National Guard. The Feds ran New Orleans for awhile, and stepped in to put a stop to civil rights violations.

There's a history.
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  • WTF
  • 07-29-2017, 10:09 AM
LL has a point....
lustylad's Avatar
Let's see how arresting mayors works out for them.

Like I've said, we are slowly headed to a police state. Originally Posted by WTF
Hey fagboy, were you ok with arresting George Wallace if he barred blacks from enrolling at the University of Alabama in 1963?

Was that the start of a federal "police state"?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-29-2017, 11:26 AM
ICE is doing some good things, but they are far too political in many cases.

They act on the cases they want to act on--and generally those are the high-viz ones. They seem very concerned about self-publicizing as well as actually deporting people.

Some of the same kinds of offenses are ignored it seems, if they occur in the "wrong" city, or don't seems to be a good photo op. There are a few cases where names, info, addresses, and data was handed to them--involving drugs, deaths, and identity fraud--and they essentially said they weren't interested.

I am sure arresting mayors in front of TV cameras is far better for ratings.

A lot like J.Edgar was want to do.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-29-2017, 12:10 PM
Hey fagboy, were you ok with arresting George Wallace if he barred blacks from enrolling at the University of Alabama in 1963?

Was that the start of a federal "police state"? Originally Posted by lustylad
Ike warned us about the vast military industrial complex....that was in 60-61. We have been on a slow steady march.

Wallace was doing exactly what Trump is doing with Transgendered now....pandering to his discriminatory base.

lustylad's Avatar
Ike warned us about the vast military industrial complex....that was in 60-61. We have been on a slow steady march.

Wallace was doing exactly what Trump is doing with Transgendered now....pandering to his discriminatory base. Originally Posted by WTF
Huh? Deflecting again? You don't even know how to draw simple historical analogies!

What does Ike have to do with my question? Nothing! What do people who join the military for free sex-change operations have to do with it? Nothing!

We're talking about arresting local or state officials who defy federal law. Get it? Now stay on topic!

You oppose arresting local/state govt officials when they block federal immigration law, yet you applaud arresting them if they block federal civil rights law.

That's called hypocrisy... something you say you love to expose in others! Time to look in the mirror, fagboy!

Well then he is a hypocrite and as many have seen on here, I'm not a fan of hypocrites. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-29-2017, 03:01 PM
Huh? Deflecting again? You don't even know how to draw simple historical analogies!

What does Ike have to do with my question? Nothing! What do people who join the military for free sex-change operations have to do with it? Nothing!

We're talking about arresting local or state officials who defy federal law. Get it? Now stay on topic!

You oppose arresting local/state govt officials when they block federal immigration law, yet you applaud arresting them if they block federal civil rights law.

That's called hypocrisy... something you say you love to expose in others! Time to look in the mirror, fagboy! Originally Posted by lustylad
I said let them do it you dipshit. I'd love to see the National Guard or FBI or ICE arresting Mayors in Houston and other cities.

Then it would be game on!
I said let them do it you dipshit. I'd love to see the National Guard or FBI or ICE arresting Mayors in Houston and other cities.

Then it would be game on! Originally Posted by WTF
That would be a good start.

lustylad's Avatar
I said let them do it you dipshit. I'd love to see the National Guard or FBI or ICE arresting Mayors in Houston and other cities.

Then it would be game on! Originally Posted by WTF
"Game on"? So now you support the enforcement of federal immigration laws? When did that happen? You've been braying like a jackass in every other thread in favor of open borders!

Which is it, douchebag?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I said let them do it you dipshit. I'd love to see the National Guard or FBI or ICE arresting Mayors in Houston and other cities.

Then it would be game on! Originally Posted by WTF
"Game on"? So now you support the enforcement of federal immigration laws? When did that happen? You've been braying like a jackass in every other thread in favor of open borders!

Which is it, douchebag? Originally Posted by lustylad
I believe that WTF is bullshitting you.