Shine revealed!

Look guys, I graduated from tsu with a master's degree. Made money lost money. Got in the hobby because I honestly couldn't get any pussy otherwise. I hang with my g patnas because they can trust me. At heart I'm a square and the current business I do I see a mix of everyone. I hand in strip clubs every night with my found friends for them and business.Im an introvert, but a great extrovert when it's time to maneuver some money.

So why this, this was fun and games but not it's not anymore. Like im around chicks all day long and can talk them or my Patnas out some cash but I have zero game. So buying pussy became a way out. Like I know strippers, escorts. 10 percent or less can't stand our guys and the other 90 percent is either totally gay or bi gay with I don't like men.

So buying pussy to fill an emptiness just made that emptiness deeper. Like I went to a civil eat reenactment today and saw families; I have bee chasing sex to fulfill inadequacies in my life. I'm the best client but that's the truth. Which is why I like overnights. I want a connection with a woman. Will I stop hobbying probably not. I'll cut back but , like I said I'm terrible with chicks. This was fun now it's a bunch of sarcastic folks who couldn't get pussy on even ground if their life depended on it. But come here and sarcastically won't answer a question as if they hold the keys to the universe. I'll get railed for this but frankly I don't give a fuck. I'm here till I get a woman I can love for life farts and all. Toodles.
Of course there were mistakes in there but you'll are supposedly smart so figure it out. Toodles....
Who cares? Just another obnoxious loud mouth black man in Houston eccie.
Good God, did this moron finally say it's calling it quits here?
I don't know what people are expecting to get out of postings like this?

If you leave - good luck to you. I actually like it better when you post something readable like this, vs. all of your other postings.
Samcro84's Avatar
Don't wave when you leave just leave.
  • pxmcc
  • 07-05-2018, 08:46 AM
shine did u clear your damn inbox?
Eccie is troll central, always was, always will be. don't sweat it..
I don't comment often but this needs to be said:

Look guys, I graduated from tsu with a master's degree.
Do they not teach punctuation and grammar there? Most of the time I can't even understand what you're saying. My point is that if you want people to think of you as an intelligent person then you should try speaking intelligently. Just listing your academic credentials won't help your cause.

Which is why I like overnights. I want a connection with a woman.
Sounds like you're looking for love in all the wrong places.

This was fun now it's a bunch of sarcastic folks who couldn't get pussy on even ground if their life depended on it.
Correction: I'd say that a lot of guys on here are just at a point in their lives where they don't feel the need or desire to investing the time it takes to chase it down (look up the definition of instant gratification). Many others are in long term relationships and do this on the side just for fun.
So in short, just because you can't get pussy doesn't mean that the rest of us can't. (Look up Psychological Projection).

But come here and sarcastically won't answer a question as if they hold the keys to the universe.
Once again, most of the time people can't understand what the hell you're saying. You come across as unintelligent (whether you mean to or not) so you set yourself up for ridicule. You should work on that if you're really serious about self-improvement. Also, you shouldn't be so thin-skinned.
No offense, but I believe we all knew all of this already, but still an odd moment of transparency. Ironically, it's this type of openness and transparency that will help you actually "land" a woman.
Well said Swamp Donkey
All I got from that is you can't get pussy so you go for the D

Try out NuPimp
Ok back ho
Russ38's Avatar
Yet still posting and starting threads all day long sounding like a poor mans Ali G.....
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Look guys, I graduated from tsu with a master's degree. Originally Posted by shinepro

I really hope you aren't bragging or attempting to impress anybody.
Yet still posting and starting threads all day long sounding like a poor mans Ali G..... Originally Posted by Russ38
And you're pulling up foooking month old threads. Toodlez