strippers or escorts? ??

I have a friend who is a stripper, I'm a provider. She feels her profession is more respectable then mine because she "dances" on a stage, but she willingly goes the "extra mile" in the VIP room. My profession is pretty straight forward. I told her that regardless of her views/outlets she gives herself, OWN who u are because society still labels us both (and girls in the sex industry) as whores. She's a teaser, im a pleaser and I own it but does she honestly get a pass, HONESTLY ECCIE???

She's currently not speaking to me because I called her a "closet hoe" LMFAO
lover_361's Avatar
Definitely Escorts. Strippers just leave me frustrated.
A "friend" that passes judgement on you like that is only trying to make herself feel better about her choices. I had a few supposed "friends" like yours and have since cut them out of my life. People like that tend to be undependable when you need them and will fuck you over every chance you get. I'd cut ties with her if I were you.

I feel both professions have their pros and cons and neither is better than the other.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, it depends.

In general, strippers tend to be very well built physically, but with all the guys fawning over them on stage, they tend to become egotistical.

Providers, on the other hand, are generally more focused on providing the service they are hired for, but they can burn out.

I would say that overall, I have spent more money on strippers, but have gotten more pleasure from providers, but there are always exceptions.

. . . Best to keep the door open to new possibilities!

A "friend" that passes judgement on you like that is only trying to make herself feel better about her choices. I had a few supposed "friends" like yours and have since cut them out of my life. People like that tend to be undependable when you need them and will fuck you over every chance you get. I'd cut ties with her if I were you.

I feel both professions have their pros and cons and neither is better than the other. Originally Posted by JHurt1968

That's the same thing I said
Dancer can hide behind the legal facade that her profession is not illegal and she can "proudly" list her profession on her 1040 tax return.. However, if she provides extras, she is as guilty in the state of Texas as any full service provider.

Sounds like a pot and kettle argument to me.

At the end of the day, as each of you performs your service activities, both of you are breaking the laws in most states. None of us here have a right to look down (or up) on another person.
Dancer can hide behind the legal facade that her profession is not illegal and she can "proudly" list her profession on her 1040 tax return.. However, if she provides extras, she is as guilty in the state of Texas as any full service provider.

Sounds like a pot and kettle argument to me.

At the end of the day, as each of you performs your service activities, both of you are breaking the laws in most states. None of us here have a right to look down (or up) on another person. Originally Posted by tigercat

I PAY TAXES TOO! Every couple mths, with my SOB lisence im damn near as legal as she is. Im from/ live in Dallas myself so majority of what I spend is tax deductible (hotels, food, hair, nails etc...) im an independent buisness...bur I do agree with your comment
Cpalmson's Avatar
It is just a matter of semantics. I think that both "professions" are considered one and the same by most Americans. I seriously doubt there are many people who don't consider strippers as sex workers. Maybe their status is "legal", but they earn their money the same way as a provider. For both the provider and stripper, the bottom line is that they are paid to get men off. I'm sure most strippers will see men outside the club which makes them providers. I'm sure that in most VIP rooms "extras" can be had for a price. I, for one, always assume extras are available depending on the situation. I know that the last 2 times I've been to a strip club, one of the dancers basically "propositioned" me if I took her to the VIP room. I didn't push the issue other than to buy a 1 dance song. One of the times I did, she let me lick her pussy and finger her. I'm sure a blow job could have been had if I bought 3 songs. I see no difference between a provider and a stripper.
burkalini's Avatar
There's an old saying about strippers. You won't get laid but you will get fucked. Escorts every time for me.
Strippers end up escorting;escorts dont end strippin.
canuckvic's Avatar
Personally for myself, I will not spend a dime on strippers. Why when in the end all you end up with is getting aroused with no happy ending. Escorts all the way.
On the flip side for the girls, I don't understand why strippers would want to do all that work for barely making more money than a cocktail waitress at a nightclub. Strippers have to practice their routines, make their own sound tracks, buy outfits, and beg for a dollar at a time. Long hours, travel town to town, work in bars that are dark and dirty for the most part and deal with drunks. It's even worst in Canada because we have dollar and two dollar coins, so the strippers have to subject themselves to spreading their legs while a drunk tries to 'toss' the coins at their privates for their tip money. Plus they have to spend money on marketing themselves with posters, key chains, trinkets, etc.
On the moral side, ohhhh the strippers feel they are so far ahead because they don't have a dick being poked at them??? - my two cents
Strippers end up escorting;escorts dont end strippin. Originally Posted by Ms Pretty Pink
Amen. I am a stripper turned escort. My days of
Dancing are happily over. There is just not any money in dancing!
B.Wayne's Avatar
I hold in higher regard women whom are companions, ie escorts, providers. over women who are dancers, and adult acresses. Sometimes both women that dance and act in the adult industry have a snarky attitude and I don't understand that. I don't think I have encountered that yet from companions. Or even companions whose background is from dancing. Who would have thought?
JohnnyCap's Avatar
What is behind you and your friend's need to feel superior to each other? Why not just do it as the rest of Americans do: whoever makes more cash is the better citizen, and as such gets to make the rules the other lives by.
Why is it so important for people to feel they are better than other people? Why can't we get beyond all this posturing and just fuck?