Does casing hotels make you nervous

theekennedykane's Avatar
Ok so this is my first time offering incalls from a hotel. I was told by some girls on the SAAFE board that you have to case the hotel to make sure its workable. So far Ive cased two of them but I have been nervous when I did it. #isthisweird...does anyone else get hotel casing
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-09-2015, 12:28 PM
The key is to feel comfortable with yourself, be confident, and act like you belong there.

If the hotel has a coffee shop/bar/small restaurant you can go there and get a cup of coffee or breakfast. Breakfast is often busier than lunch you you are less likely to stand out. Dress one shade better than what you think people will look like, then as you eat/drink, see how they are actually dressed.

Where are the entrances? Are there some that do not enter into the lobby. Are the elevators in sight of tbe front desk. Do they require a key to use--if so, could a client get to some of the floors without one so you can meet them there?

Checking out the hotel should not be a concern so long as you stay relaxed.
There are also other options, like researching or calling instead. The websites for certain SWOP chapters may have details about if a hotel is or isn't provider-friendly. It'll likely be the case that you'll have to verify that you are a provider to access that information on non-public sections of a site. SafeOffice also has similar resources about hotels. You can also call hotels, and come up with some story about why you need to know over the phone if they have key card access, etc.