Ladies complain about guys ncns or cancelling appointments which I disagree with also but we guys are affected.We have family and work obligations we have to schedule around.
Originally Posted by The.Prince
While your comment is true, when we get NCNS, it affects us as well. We may have refused someone else because we already booked with you, and then you don't show, and boom....a wasted afternoon. OR (as has frequently happened to me) I get an incall suite to accommodate a request because I actually
am low volume enough not to need one every day. Then when he decides to NCNS, I'm out $80-125 bucks because he got cold feet or the wife asked him to do something. Or worse, I left work to meet with you, and when you don't show, I realize I could have actually been doing something useful instead. Grrrrrr. I get that things come up, but when did we lose all common decency? Providers and clients alike need to get it together. Its more than just an inconvenience to either party. Ok, done with that. LOL.
I really don't understand the no shows by the men. Most guys will cross a mine field and chew through barbed wire to get a piece. Then you have one lined up but don't show? Blows my mind. You can bet the farm if I don't show it's because I'm in the back of an ambulance or they're throwing dirt on me. If it's the latter and we have a scheduled date I wouldn't mind a quick BJ before they close the lid. The money will he in my right top pocket.
Originally Posted by TwistedTiger
You make sense. If its such a hassle to schedule and make something work around your RL, you'd think that it would become a priority. BUT...if it has to take a back seat one day....not a big deal, IF you call and say so! Most of us are reasonable people. Hell, if you called me and said "I got a hang nail and I just don't think I can go it today." I'd say "Feel better." and we'd be fine. Like I said, we get that things come up. The problem doesn't come up until you lose respect for someone else's time and the fact that they could be sitting there waiting on YOU.
for a guy, I can understand a nc/ns if their nerves get the best of them, especially when new to this, also sometimes things just don't feel right.
Originally Posted by cjlafayette
Again, I disagree. A call, and email, a text...anything can help avoid the rudeness of a NS. Just say "I changed my mind.." or
I have to say, if I nc/ns I would not be upset if you didn't answer my calls in the future.
Originally Posted by cjlafayette
But the funny part is that men DO get upset when you refuse them later. After being ncns twice in one week by the same guy, he asked if we could reschedule for the following week. Since I wasted $150 on hotel rooms with no offer of reimbursement (yes, he was my only client that day), the answer is not no, but hell no. I said "I don't think it would work out, but enjoy the rest of your week hun!". All of a sudden, I'm every kind of bitch in the book. Not very nice, and that certainly didn't make me want to change my mind. I might be a call girl, but I'm not your "beck and call" girl, have a little respect, huh?