Bad Review

I'm not stupid enough to think I am to everyones taste, but in the last year, I guess one bad review isn't that bad. The way my ads are written, I definitely think that I attract a certain "type" of gentleman. I have asked them about these sites, and they are not interested in joining, do not consider themselves hobbyists, just very busy guys, that like to have some R &R. Many have become my friends. I am very relaxed about the experience, and like to have fun, too. I can find something in common with almost anybody, and love people in general. That's not always possible. Some people just don't get along, and are not compatible for one reason or another. I can accept that. Apparently some feel the need to go for the throat, attack on EVERY FRONT, every possible category.

In my experience, almost all of the time, clients are happy to see me, say my photos don't do me justice. i hear beautiful and sexy with regularity, and from most people that I find pretty attractive and sexy, too. At those times, and for that alloted time, we are kindred spirits, sexy playmates, and it flows naturally. When it isn't, its bad for both, trust me. I take pride in my matter what they are. It is part of what defines me. Anyone is entitled to a bad day, but they are also entitled to move past them....usually.
JMO, but if there is something you can take from the review to make you a better provider then by all means use it. If not there isn't much good dwelling on it. The sooner you let it die the better. I've done two negative reviews, but neither were mean spirited and I hesitated to do both. However there was information that I thought would help both the hobbyist and the providers in the future. Unless the hobbyist was treated really bad the negative review should be done with no malice and personal feelings should be given consideration.

I'm not sure of the review in question but maybe some non confrontational pm's could mellow the tone of the conversation and clear up some of the issues in question. If not then be the bigger person and move on. Again JMO
what review do you refer to and you say pics don't do you justice where are your pics /showcase let us know we would love to see
They happen sometimes to the best of us. They do hurt business for a little while, but the less you remind everyone, the less they're noticed.
Fortunately, not everyone in the hobby is on this board.
Very few of my clients are, or, as I've found out this week, if they've heard of it, or are on it at all, it's not to post unless they have an extreme experience one way or the other. I definitely think I attract a certain type of client, but I genuinely like the ones I do. They usually have a kickass or effed up sense of humor, and it's fun.....hopefully. I just wish i had more creative freedom.