Should we count escort encounters on our body count?

HeatFan78's Avatar
I know there is something to be said for the thrill of the hunt and conquering a mate based on just sexual attraction. However sex is sex, no matter how you want to spin it. As hobbyists, or even for the ladies doing the services themselves, should we count every encounter with a different person as another body to be added to your overall body count? Or does the fact that it was a transaction nullify and void any meaning and significance behind the act???
ICU 812's Avatar
"body Count"?

What . . .do you tattoo a hash mark on your dick?
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
If you have sex with someone, then yes it should go into your body count. However, when it comes to paying a provider to have sex, there should be an asterisk by those particular bodies. And we all know, either way you slice it, we all pay for it.

And even if you do not pay cash, the sexual attraction between BOTH individuals may still not even be there. A vast majority of the time, sex is a transaction in one form of another, due to something being done either before or after the act, and it is an act, don't get that confused. It is a rare occasion where the attraction and pure passion is involved in the equation.
winn dixie's Avatar
Shooting a wad is just that.
Doesn't matter what hole in a chick your hand or a blow up doll. It's just shooting a wad in the end.
But to be ethical. NO humping sex workers don't count .
Chung Tran's Avatar
It damn sure needs to count. Otherwise my 269 review count turns into 2.69
Lespaulmankc's Avatar
“Body Count”, crack me up! No, I don’t tattoo marks on my dick. But I do keep a spreadsheet and a PowerPoint of all the wonderful ladies I’ve had the pleasure of spending time with.

If you’re saying WTF to that, go watch the Fifty First Dates movie or watch a friend or loved one deal with dementia.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Fifty First Dates is a comedy, memory loss like that doesn’t happen in real life.
pertpvyztrzv's Avatar
Body count for a man isn't the same as how it affects a woman.

What man is really counting? Does jerking off count for a body count? Same with a sex worker.
Suzanna Turner's Avatar
It depends on what you are counting.....actual bodies you have fucked? Then yes, of course it counts! Conquests?? No....does NOT count. You didn't conquer anything other than showing up and paying the fee. You didn't have to 'seal the deal'.

For women, if we are counting actual bodies, yes...but counting men she has allowed into her intimate space, no. Any sex she has had while working should not count, as it is just a job. It's her paycheck. If you are a chef by trade, you would not count all of your customers as people you have personally cooked for in your life. You would only count people such as your your spouse, children, parents, and your friends. Customers at work while you were making an income doesn't count.

Body counts are a social construct. It's only important if you make it important.
Depends.... do you value a "social construct" more than the individuals you've had relations with? In the US, we're obsessed with "more is gooderest", and men in particular are always inventing some ridiculous way to claim "I've got more". PU trucks with lift kits and balloon tires are just one example.

History lesson from a card carrying, Viet Nam era OG here - the obsession with "body counts" got so bad in the Viet Nam War that then-SecDef McNamara started counting a captured AK, a captured PKM, or a captured RPG as a "body". Soon the nightly "body count"got so inflated that we single handedly depopulated the entire South East Asia archipelago 3 - 5 times over...

Knock yourself out, Skippy! We (the rest of the world) really don't care what you're trying to over compensate for! Hell, include all of the mannequins in the store fronts you drive by in your "body count"! Whatever floats your boat! ("YAWN")
HeatFan78's Avatar
Sorry guys, didn't mean for it to sound like I was trying to stroke my ego. Just more or less wanted to know if it was okay to consider these women as sexual partners I've had. The number has nothing to do with it really, as the more women you see the more insignificant said number becomes.
ICU 812's Avatar
The concept of keeping a body count leaves me cold, I mean who cares? And in the hobby context, it just signifies your ability to schedule time away from other Real World obligations, and that you have the resources to maker it happen.

One poster herehas suggeted thst you use an asterisk . . . I agree with that.
ben dover's Avatar
Since time began the Body Count for men has been a way to Brag about their conquests and for Women it's been a way to shame them. It's BS on both counts.
Chung Tran's Avatar

History lesson from a card carrying, Viet Nam era OG here - the obsession with "body counts" got so bad in the Viet Nam War that then-SecDef McNamara started counting a captured AK, a captured PKM, or a captured RPG as a "body". Soon the nightly "body count"got so inflated that we single handedly depopulated the entire South East Asia archipelago 3 - 5 times over... Originally Posted by Anonymous01
Ironically, my own count captures REAL Vietnamese bodies, some 30% of my large total. From hải phòng to Nha Trang to Sài Gòn. All of whom surrendered themselves... and there was a cease fire
I would. I did not have many body counts when I was young (too busy studying!). I'm trying increase the count now, whichever the way it comes!