looking for someone to help me live healthier

Looking for someone who can help me with a new diet and fitness plan. And my weight loss goals.

Paying cash.

Boltfan's Avatar
I can help. Don't even need to pay cash.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm not the guy to help.. I just peeked at your showcase, viewed your breasts, and.. well, I don't want you to lose any weight from your breasts.. yeah, I know, my own damn opinion, I should mind my own business

Why don't you just set a time each day to take your dog for a jog? That way you wouldn't have to depend on some one else to show up. As long as you don't let your dog bite your toes a daily jog should not be a problem LOL.
Just meet me in the mornings and do what I do. I wont charge
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Just meet me in the mornings and do what I do. I wont charge Originally Posted by Tara Evans
You got my undivided attention! . Except that I would do the lesbian thing, not the other.
Y0yoY0's Avatar
Free Advice (and worth every penny ) for beginners:

1. You can get the meanest, most sadistic personal trainer on earth, but if you don't change your eating habits you will only see modest results....at best.

2. You can go the complete "rabbit food" route and, combined with exercise, you will lose the most weight. Or, you can start by just eating less. This is the most unpleasant part of losing weight because you're stomach hurts and you feel like shit. If you can stick with it for a few weeks, tho, it will pass. Your stomach will eventually shrink and it will take less food to fill you up. Also keep in mind that most any type of activity will make you MORE HUNGRY. Don't fall victim to the trap of rewarding yourself with your favorite food. You will negate all of the HELL that you've endured up to that point

3. Forget about soft-drinks. Even diet/"zero" ones. Your body needs water and water makes you feel fuller (you can even drink a glass before and/or after meals).

4. Don't eat after "dinner". AT ALL. After a few days, it will become easier. Don't ever break this rule. It makes a difference.

5. If you ever "cheat"....don't eat anything high in fat or carbohydrates. These foods will not satisfy the craving and will actually make you feel more hungry than you were before. They will also make you want more of the same crappy food. It's science. Foods high in protein actually have the opposite result, in that they turn the hunger switch OFF

6. Any exercise program should include both weight training and cardio.

a) Please know, however, it DOES NOT have to be "heavy" weight training. For most women, a set of 5 or 8lb weights will do. (note: there's literally so many different exercises you can do with weights that I won't go into all of them now, but if you're interested, you can find a program on google. Also, at the casual level, just about any of them will do, so long as it is comprehensive and gets all the major muscle groups involved at one time or another. The important thing is that you are engaging your body in some way. You will feel better, you will look better, and more muscle means more fat burning. And, don't be afraid that you're going to wake up one day looking like a man. How ever unattractive you might think female bodybuilders are, I promise you that they do not get that way by accident LOL).

b) And finally, in order to get the full benefit of a cardio workout, the pace and duration matters. Whether you are on a treadmill or walking in the park, a "leisurely stroll" is not going to cut it. If you're just walking, and there's NOTHING wrong with that, it must be at a pace and duration that it elevates your heart rate and keeps it there for an extended period of time (you can start with 20-30 mins and work up to 45min-1hr). If you feel like you're getting dizzy or feeling faint, then slow down. But if you're with a partner (or you can imagine that you were) and you would be able to comfortably carry on a conversation, you're not walking fast enough, i.e. you shouldn't be on the ground dying, but you should be breathing such that saying more than a few words at a time is hard.

In closing, a lot of people go out and buy whatever the new fad training video or exercise equipment is, and some of them are good, but what a lot of people don't know is that you will never (NEVER!) look like the people in those commercials unless you change your diet. Believe me, I've tried Another thing to keep in mind is that none of this is going to be easy. You will hurt (especially in the beginning - and I'm talking about general SORENESS...not INJURIES LOL), but as much as you want to give up or "take a day off", the best thing you will ever do is PUSH THROUGH!

FYI, it is never a bad idea to get checked out by your doctor before starting any kind of exercise regiment. Also, I am not a personal trainer, coach, nutritionist, or anything of the sort. Just speaking from my own research and experience.

Good luck!
Looking for someone who can help me with a new diet and fitness plan. And my weight loss goals.

Paying cash.

Bridgette Originally Posted by Bridgette Ann
I can recommend my trainer. Have been with him for many years. He works from downtown to Addison. Contact me off line if you are interested. If you want a female trainer I can get some names.

Also, what YoyoYo said sound 100% correct
Go to Beachbody.com. The home of P90X and Insanity. They have other workouts there as well. In addition to the food diet change, abstain from alcohol. Empty calories. That's the toughest part for me, lol.
Y0yoY0's Avatar
In addition to the food diet change, abstain from alcohol. Empty calories. That's the toughest part for me, lol. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Yeah, alcohol is also dangerous if you're a "partier" and we....I mean YOU always go to IHOP at 3am and gorge on all of that delicio....I MEAN TERRIBLE!!! food (LOL)
Everyone has their system. Everyone has advice. Me too

I lost around 80 lbs over a long period of time. For me, it had to be the final acceptance of the one, true, simple fact: it's calories in and calories out. I have a good calorie counting app on my phone (there are many out there). It tells me how many calories I should eat, and I use it every day.

Counting calories makes everything else snap into line. You eat healthier because you can burn half a day on a candy bar or get full on an apple for next to nothing. You excersize because you get to have a nicer dinner.

And you see results almost immediately on the scales.
What he says is true. I lost 70 lbs sticking to that kind of program. Since stopping all the workouts I have put back on 20 but I can maintain at this level and I'm happy with it.

Is it easy? No.

Is it worth it? Yes!!! And your libido will increase (scary thought bright? Lol)

Free Advice (and worth every penny ) for beginners:

1. You can get the meanest, most sadistic personal trainer on earth, but if you don't change your eating habits you will only see modest results....at best.

2. You can go the complete "rabbit food" route and, combined with exercise, you will lose the most weight. Or, you can start by just eating less. This is the most unpleasant part of losing weight because you're stomach hurts and you feel like shit. If you can stick with it for a few weeks, tho, it will pass. Your stomach will eventually shrink and it will take less food to fill you up. Also keep in mind that most any type of activity will make you MORE HUNGRY. Don't fall victim to the trap of rewarding yourself with your favorite food. You will negate all of the HELL that you've endured up to that point

3. Forget about soft-drinks. Even diet/"zero" ones. Your body needs water and water makes you feel fuller (you can even drink a glass before and/or after meals).

4. Don't eat after "dinner". AT ALL. After a few days, it will become easier. Don't ever break this rule. It makes a difference.

5. If you ever "cheat"....don't eat anything high in fat or carbohydrates. These foods will not satisfy the craving and will actually make you feel more hungry than you were before. They will also make you want more of the same crappy food. It's science. Foods high in protein actually have the opposite result, in that they turn the hunger switch OFF

6. Any exercise program should include both weight training and cardio.

a) Please know, however, it DOES NOT have to be "heavy" weight training. For most women, a set of 5 or 8lb weights will do. (note: there's literally so many different exercises you can do with weights that I won't go into all of them now, but if you're interested, you can find a program on google. Also, at the casual level, just about any of them will do, so long as it is comprehensive and gets all the major muscle groups involved at one time or another. The important thing is that you are engaging your body in some way. You will feel better, you will look better, and more muscle means more fat burning. And, don't be afraid that you're going to wake up one day looking like a man. How ever unattractive you might think female bodybuilders are, I promise you that they do not get that way by accident LOL).

b) And finally, in order to get the full benefit of a cardio workout, the pace and duration matters. Whether you are on a treadmill or walking in the park, a "leisurely stroll" is not going to cut it. If you're just walking, and there's NOTHING wrong with that, it must be at a pace and duration that it elevates your heart rate and keeps it there for an extended period of time (you can start with 20-30 mins and work up to 45min-1hr). If you feel like you're getting dizzy or feeling faint, then slow down. But if you're with a partner (or you can imagine that you were) and you would be able to comfortably carry on a conversation, you're not walking fast enough, i.e. you shouldn't be on the ground dying, but you should be breathing such that saying more than a few words at a time is hard.

In closing, a lot of people go out and buy whatever the new fad training video or exercise equipment is, and some of them are good, but what a lot of people don't know is that you will never (NEVER!) look like the people in those commercials unless you change your diet. Believe me, I've tried Another thing to keep in mind is that none of this is going to be easy. You will hurt (especially in the beginning - and I'm talking about general SORENESS...not INJURIES LOL), but as much as you want to give up or "take a day off", the best thing you will ever do is PUSH THROUGH!

FYI, it is never a bad idea to get checked out by your doctor before starting any kind of exercise regiment. Also, I am not a personal trainer, coach, nutritionist, or anything of the sort. Just speaking from my own research and experience.

Good luck! Originally Posted by Y0yoY0
Dont drink no booze for like a month. ditto bread, pasta, cheese. eat alot of protein: chikcken and fish. no fast food (Burgers fries, hot dogs,catfish, anything fried). No baked goods cookies cakes, rolls. Forget the donut my friends, all that craps got to go. No pasta or pizza. Drink a lot of water and work out twice a day ever day, weights and cardio. But most important is dont drink no alcohol.If you do you wont lose weight it jacks you metabolism and your work outs. good luck. google the skinny rules. you dont even need to buy it. Its out there. Margarita days over for now.
Mister.E's Avatar
Sure. PM me. always looking to compete. plus I don't really change my eating habits. I just work out.
Super Sonic's Avatar
Eating what you want and just working out only works when you are younger. When you get older, your metabolism slows down and your muscle mass decreases. I've lifted heavy weights most of my life, and now that I'm older it's more about cardio and diet to avoid that round mound physique.

A couple of suggestions:

1) Get a gym membership. I know of plenty of people who have invested in exercise equipment to work out at home and said equipment just ends up gathering dust. If you make that financial investment of a membership, you are more likely motivated to drag your ass to the gym. This being said, 99% of getting results is just getting yourself through the door of the gym. There's always an excuse not to go.

2) Get a workout partner. This is another commitment that will likely motivate you, as you will probably not want to let your partner down. I think the best suggestion/offer here is to take Tara up on her kind offer to let you shadow her workout. It may kill you at first, but as you get adjusted you will see quick results.

Good luck to you.