Hope I put this in the right forum!

lil_michelle's Avatar
Well, I made a decision! I have decided that I am not ready for this and am going to pursue an opportunity to do something I have always wanted to do! I am very excited but wanted to tell ALL of you who have written me thank you. When I first got on this sight I was terrified and your kindness, comments, support and encouragement made me feel so much more comfortable. You guys have been so nice to me... thank you.

My inbox was full and I didnt have the opportunity to answer every message so PLEASE forgive me for not answering all of them.

I wish you all the very best and if this opportunity doesnt work out for me, I might see you guys another day... but whatever the future holds, take care of yourselves and be safe!

thanks again!!!
jughead1171's Avatar
Michelle, I hope all your dreams and plans work out for you. Your input to the forum or on chat whether or not you participate in the hobby (speaking for myself) is always welcome. Drop in now and again and let me know how you are doing. Take care and good luck.
chipper's Avatar
If you were not totally sure, you made the right decision. I hope that your new direction turns out exactly the way you want it too. Good luck and Best Wishes.

Horsemancummeth's Avatar
Sounds like you have your head on straight. You didnt make a rash decision. I hope everything works out for you and you find nothing but success and happiness in your future.
Good luck sweetie in your future
Awww, good luck babe! You are wise beyond your years!
All the best to you...you seem very intelligent to me and whatever you decide will work for you...good luck!
Now that you're leaving can we see all of your avatar?! lol...
remember if you are not in the buz theres no reason you cannot provide a few of the guys a memory of a lifetime otc.. jk.. sort of
lil_michelle's Avatar
Thanks guys!

I will keep peeking to say hi and keep you posted on how things are. You guys try to be good