Most guys that hobby are undesirable. Whether its young men that can't get laid, or older men that are in dead bedroom relationships, its all the same: women do not find them truly desirable. In some cases, like mine, even escorts find some men undesirable.
I'll give you an example. If a lady that is known for providing BBFS as an option does not even ask you if you want a cover or no, and just sticks one onto you, it means even she does not even pretend to desire you. That is beyond brutal and can ruin a man's self esteem.
In the case above, if the escort truly desired the man in any way, she would ask him if he wants a cover or not if she provides that. Being confident or whatever doesn't work if there's no spark. You're either attractive or not. Generally if multiple women find you unattractive, even the escorts will find you unattractive and undesirable.
To the guys who say stuff like "who cares bro. I'm just trying to get a nut in bro." you are delusional as hell. You are coping because you know that women don't find you sexually attractive. You justify it in your mind that you're their for your own benefit when deep down you know you are just lonely. But women do not truly desire you and even escorts don't fake the desire.
Its over for most men. For some men, it never even began.