New Topic: Havana Syndrome

The CIA has concluded that there is no evidence that a State player is or was behind the causation of any of the cases of so called "Havana Syndrome" which has afflicted numerous CIA and embassy personnel and other senior officials around the world. Is it lazy civil servants seeking early retirement inexplicably for the same reason or something more nefarious?
bambino's Avatar
Look into it.
no offense, but someone other than trumpino
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
no offense, but someone other than trumpino Originally Posted by tobias1988

none taken. post a link. it's been in the news recently. find one.
Is that you VM???
Did you visit 95k when you were there...since he is on banncation...what better 'paradise' for him to enjoy it in??
Maybe he'll tell us when he gets back...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I guess few people think its big deal that a foreign entity like Cuba or Russia has a sonic weapon beyond our technological comprehension and is using it against our embassy and CIA personnel.
winn dixie's Avatar
I read your posts, and I get the vibe that you buy into the Great Lie that the election was fraudulent. That is certainly your prerogative, but it begs challenging your other beliefs, to wit, if you believe that the election was rigged, do you also believe that the moon landing was faked and JFK is still alive and partying with the great ghost of Elvis? These are intellectual lines of inquiry which no doubt that you will solve with your mastery of dialectical reasoning, and I await your elucidation.
... No, just that the election was rigged.

... Uh... YOU do understand that the FBI/DOJ lied to
the FISA court - knowing that the Trump/Russia collusion
story was bullshit? ... And yet, you don't believe
that "extra votes" were brought in for Biden.

You surely got WAAAAAY too much faith in your-own
government officials.

They LIED to the American people about Trump
(with help from Hillary's phony "dossier")
and YOU are ok with that.

Your lack of integrity there is astounding, mate.
And sad.

#### Salty