Democarps in a mess

The BRANDON supporters are on a cruise to nowhere.

The Democrap party has no consistent message or platform.

Democraps have no one able to stand up to BRANDON, and are unable to get rid of him.

But they do have chants and slogans....'VOTING RIGHTS' American is in a crisis we must act now the COUNTRY depends on it.
Sinema needs her as kicked...fuck 'women's rights" she won't tow the party lines that's more important than 'women's rights!!
The democrapic chant...violence or compliance you do have a choice!!
... Just not many of 'em.

### Salty
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What has happened to your friend ?
bambino's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
Not going to click on a link from a dubious website that may contain malware.

Why do you keep doing this ? Do you want to follow your friend ?
bambino's Avatar
I an sorry, but my 401k and stock portfolio are bursting with the new highs that the indices are hitting daily,

All due to the extremely positive measure of the economy, and the absurdly low unemployment numbers; I forgot, by what matrix do you think that somehow this has not been the most expansive and otherwise positive economy in the last 100 years. I apologize if I am getting richer while you are getting poorer, Not really, go fuck off and die, you loser.
... You liberal lads cry and whine in every thread.
Then insult the masses here.

Is it because Biden has been a DISASTER?? ... Or because you can't debate?

### Salty
... All the conservative lads cry and whine in every thread.
Then insult the intelligent here.

Is it because Trump is and was a DISASTER?? ... Or because you don't dare bet when called on your disinformation?
I am sorry, did you think i was crying? Sorry, retard, I get richer every day. I love everything about the Biden Economic Miracle. Wake up and make money, it is the strongest economy in a century.
... Investigations happening right now, and more
comes out concerning voter fraud each and every day.

It's been 13 months.... It surely took FOUR YEARS
for the Justice Dept. to tell everyone that Trump
didn't collude with Russia ... Even-that from the
FBI's own e-mails - they knew from the beginning.

Give it time, mates. ... You'll be apologising in due course.

#### Salty
In a sense, I agree, except that my opionion is the diametrically opposite.All evidence of voter fraud is trumptards voting twice or thrice, but more importantly, the slow wheels of criminal justice are tightening in on the the previous Commander in Thief. The entire family of grifters is facing incarceration, and one can safely bet those rats will turn on each other.
... Oh bosh! ... You know better than this, mate.

The FBI was spying on Trump as He was running for office.
He discovered they bugged His building and called them
out on it... And what did they do? ... They LIED about it.
Wouldn't admit they did it. ... They actually lied to
the FISA Judge to get the warrant permission to do it.

This all came out in their-own notes and e-mails
after Trump won the Presidency.

And I reckon YOU'RE ok with this government manner
of corruption? ... And Hillary creating the fake dossier also?

#### Salty
In a sense, I agree, except that my opionion is the diametrically opposite.All evidence of voter fraud is trumptards voting twice or thrice, but more importantly, the slow wheels of criminal justice are tightening in on the the previous Commander in Thief. The entire family of grifters is facing incarceration, and one can safely bet those rats will turn on each other. Originally Posted by tobias1988

The good thing is that it's going to take down the entire trumpia, not just the "don".