What is a scrpited session? : )

What really makes a “scripted session”?
We as providers (which I hate that name we should be called stress relief consultants) are always trying to come up with something new. But let’s face it how can we do something different in something that‘s been around since the beginning of time? I mean there’s only so many ways to be during a session. And if you have been reviewed a multiple of times you’re bound to have the same “session”.
Now I could stand up in the middle of the act and do a naked magic show and pull a rabbit out nowhere. But I guarantee you even that act will be reviewed more than once and be called “scripted” or I could have a trampoline and jump up and down and show you how limber I am, but sadly to say that too will be” hey did you get the trampoline session”? SCRIPTED lol…..
You have to remember the first time your with your stress relief consultant she is just as nervous as you are and is trying to get to know your likes and dislikes. So of course it seems scripted it’s hard to be everything to everyone.. It’s just like being a doctor with different bed side manners to different people (we just didn’t have to go to school as long lol)..
So what is a scripted session to you? Give us some ideas that way we can change it..
And btw this is a fun post…. Kisses : )
CSI's Avatar
  • CSI
  • 10-30-2009, 11:10 PM

When I show up with the wedge and ramp at the incall, the stress relief consultant has let ME script the activities. Most do not read my P411 profile, so they don't know about the gear and want to know what they are about. So, I have to show them the advantage of the gear. I have had no complaints, so far. No one has said NOT to bring the gear back for the next session.

Many times I have heard the consultant say it's so nice to NOT have to take control to try to find out what a guy wants to do.

As I see it, I am the one paying the $$, so, I feel I should enjoy the date as I want, within reason, of course. So, I don't know how to respond to your thread, as I don't let the consultant provide the script, you see.

Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar

The manner in which some reviews are written may make a visit appear to be scripted and thus in the mind of the author it becomes so.

We did "a" for 7 minutes, followed by "b" for 5 minutes and then she twisted my ears off !! etc., etc., and so forth.


There is another format that seems to be becoming popular which uses free form descriptions of the various elements of the visit, in a way making it all seem very clinical.

I personally feel I am not much of an writer, just a person who is enamored with two dollar words that I like to interject as often as the opportunity arises. In my reviews I merely try to define my experience as best possible using the various forms as templates to guide me. However, I don't feel it necessary to stay entirely within their constraints. This rigidity to format may be why others feel their experience may have been scripted.
Heck I love just having fun .. Scripted non scripted I don't care .. I am having just as much fun as you are : )
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Having fun is what it's all about. Some act robotic in there motions almost like they aren't even their. Like there mind drifts off into some far away place.
chipper's Avatar
When you are doing the same thing at a point on your CD every time! That is scripted.
TinMan's Avatar
It's not what you do, it's how you do it. If activities appear to flow at their own pace, then you tend to get less complaint of a scripted session.

I've had sessions where the girl seems to want to move on to the next activity before I'm ready. The ones that linger (whether it be touching, kissing, oral, whatever) are the ones that make me want to come back for more.
It's not what you do, it's how you do it. If activities appear to flow at their own pace, then you tend to get less complaint of a scripted session.

I've had sessions where the girl seems to want to move on to the next activity before I'm ready. The ones that linger (whether it be touching, kissing, oral, whatever) are the ones that make me want to come back for more. Originally Posted by TinMan
^^^ What he said.

I have heard the term "scripted" a lot. I have zero concept of anything being scripted. I don't script or try to I fantasize about everything and its always beautiful and sexy.

I agree with TinMan too on this topic.
I have another question about this scripted comment. As I have read a lot of negative comments about session being "scripted" or "in and Out" type scenarios. Let me clarify no one has complained to me about my services (yet-and hopefully never) - but in general about services from some providers.

This is where i think some people need to do a reality check. Are these scripted services from high volume lower hourly rate providers? If so; duh................

I have absolutely no doubt that in many cases there are quality sessions with high volume girls.......but if these girls are continuously having to lower their rates which means they have to do twice as many sessions to make ends meet........the quality is going to be sacrificed somewhere. Right?

I mean if you go into a 30 minute session - aren't you and scripted kind of guy? If you are seeing a girl that charges 150.00/hour and you know she has to see 6 guys that day to make ends meet................do any of us really believe she can make that seem real and passionate all 6 times? Aren’t you going into this situation with full knowledge?

These complaints about scripted services or GPS syndrome is exactly why I will refuse to do anything that will cause me to lower the quality of my services. There are too many people who expect quality and only want to pay for “scripted services”. I may increase my time with you to make the pleasure last longer at no additional cost to you but I will never do anything to sacrifice my ability to provide a quality experience.

This isn't about me I understand but this freakin topic is obviously a sore subject for me. I value our profession and the girls that provide these services. We are the gift you give yourself - we are not your electricity bill. I mean no offense to anyone but you don’t go through the drive through and expect filet mignon?

I realize there is a happy medium to everything……….times are tuff…………….we all got to contribute………..do our share……........our services is not based on needs we are WANTS……….meaning our services are a luxury and you shouldn’t be spending the bucks if you really have to worry about spending the money at all.

I like being a luxury for you. If I think you spending $$$$ for my time is going to hurt your personal life.........I don't want any part of that........I am in to add value........

I feel better now..................i'll take my toys and leave.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Changing up the session can be fun. On the bed, on the floor, against the wall and in the shower. Where her number, I need a date.
xperiment's Avatar
Now I could stand up in the middle of the act and do a naked magic show and pull a rabbit out nowhere. Originally Posted by Rebeccaofdallas
Is the show an extra donation? I would love to see it.
  • npita
  • 11-09-2009, 06:59 PM
What really makes a “scripted session”?
We as providers (which I hate that name we should be called stress relief consultants) are always trying to come up with something new. But let’s face it how can we do something different in something that‘s been around since the beginning of time? I mean there’s only so many ways to be during a session. And if you have been reviewed a multiple of times you’re bound to have the same “session”. Originally Posted by Rebeccaofdallas
Uh, the same way a civilian does it? I considered a session to be scripted if it lacked the sponteneity (at a minimum) of a one-night stand. What makes the session scripted is the detectable lack of interest, in which case, one is simply going through the motions.

You have to remember the first time your with your stress relief consultant she is just as nervous as you are and is trying to get to know your likes and dislikes.
Try thinking of how you have sex in real life. Do you try to figure all of that stuff out or do you just go for what seems like the right thing to do at the time?
So of course it seems scripted it’s hard to be everything to everyone..
No, it's impossible to be everything to everyone. I'd think you would first want to descide what you can be to some subset of the hobbyiest community and just be what you are comfortable being to the types of clients who want what you can offer.

Are these scripted services from high volume lower hourly rate providers? If so; duh................
Uh, no. I got scripted seesions from providers whose rates were $$$.5/hr when I was booking 2 hours minimum + tip and insisting that they be low volume to the extent of no more than 1 client per day, preferably no more than 3 per week. In fact, the least scripted sessions I got were from two providers charging about half that rate.

then maybe it just the luck of the draw and spending time on the boards getting to know the personalities of the girls may be the good way to tell if you will receive scripted services or not. I am 100% not a scripted services provider, Cassidy is not and I think there are several very beautiful women on these boards who are not either. I think it is obvious in there post and in the time and care they put into marketing their business and getting to know the clientale needs and wants.

I vented a little in my initial post, however, I meant no offense to you. I certainly realize there is no way on earth I can offer more than an opinion. The only solution I can think of is to go see a girl that states she is not the scripted type or try to get to know them on the boards which may help minimize the problem.

Good Luck to you Nipta.......all my best goes out to you
  • YSD
  • 11-10-2009, 11:00 AM
My Two Cents: I am all about the chemistry. I like to let go and see where things end up based on the time and place and lady---always an adventure. Some of the comments here are correct about utilizing experienced and reviewed consultants.

However, I have found scripted session to be real especially with younger or newbie consultants. I find the younger ladies seem to approach the session as if it were a paint by numbers scenario. First I do this, then I do this, then I move onto...

This is not imagined. I have expressed this particular phenomenon to other hobbyists and many agreed---especially with the younger ladies. I call it the paint by numbers approach.

That is why I gravitate to mature, experienced, and reviewed consultants the vast majority of the time. I can't stand scripted or rehearsed. The spontanous combustion of the session is the turn on for me---not the rote hit all the high points. It's all about the chemistry.

And yes ladies, there are many consultants who run scripted sessions even if you cannot imagine it.