This is my reality. Not what Tiny Gambino wants you to think of me.

KittyLamour's Avatar
Well since Dorky Monroe made it cool to bash on me (Kitty Lamour aka Mercianna) and her cohort Yummy Marie wants to smother Dallas in Dorky's praises and lack of guilt...blames it on one of our most thoughtful and considerate mods... Now Tiny Gambino is intent on destroying me too. He would lead you all to believe that Kitty is a down and out old lady... a mee-maw with barely two sticks to rub together... couch surfing my way to the nursing home in a stolen car. He will say I had a horse that I starved to death... I also apparently, according to Tony, wear clown makeup. To all the friends I've made in the hobby... you are acquaintances of an irrelevant hooker who doesn't even count on this board.

I recently sent him a private message in a ladylike attempt to ask him to please stop trying to destroy what self esteem and self respect I can still muster on this board after being the eccie scapegoat so long... it get's hard to hold your head up, but I do believe I caught my second wind yesterday and I told Tony the other day if he couldn't respect me when I asked him politely to stop that I would just have to take it to Dallas Coed to be my judge and jurors... If the evidence I submit proves or disproves relevance, irrelevance, GILF or MILF, Bat shit Crazy or Sane, Owner of what is probably a better car than he has/or a car thief (Do you guys believe I'd have the nerve to steal an eccie member's car and then show my face again? Didn't happen at least not how they say it did). Has a home/homeless couch surfer with nothing who is Lucky to have a cheap hotel room. Is Tony right or wrong? Oh and don't forget I am a crazy cat lady with multiple cats and a bunch of ceramic clown masks.

He claims that I bash on poor Dorthy and keep trying to hijack her glorious thread. I get pointed for telling him to Knock Himself Out... apparantly that was hijacking a thread even though HE STARTED IT. I was talking about the marvelous Dorky the glorious ThreAD, he is who kept switching it to a kill Kitty thread. I just want the thread to get shut down to be honest The praises of Dorfy make me feel like I'm coming down with a bad case of acid indigestion. Not because she's all that and I'm nervous because I think I have PTSD after all the abuse she's hurled at me. Even calling me outside of my own race and I speak better Spanish than she can even comprehend.

Anyways... this is me and how I live everyday. Just me, myself and I. I keep to myself... I avoid drama and I cherish the sanctuary peace and quiet and how nice it is to be able to enjoy nice things from being good to people. He told me I am nothing but a horrible user who takes advantage of old men and kicks them to the curb. Would the old men I've taken advantage of and used please tell ME about it because I am not aware of doing so.

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That's my home where I live by myself. I have a bed I don't have to couch surf.
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Me the day I got my new car. 4 weeks ago.

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My new car. Infiniti Q50. Remember I'm a down and out old lady.

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Before I went on an outcall... one of you guys spotted me at the gas station and pm'd me about it the other day when I was wearing this outfit. This was the same night you saw me.
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One of you asked me to take a picture holding up 3 fingers to prove I was real and not an old granny with outdated's the pic...

Attachment 538182

My one cat Princess Fluffybutt and the key to my car.

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Me and my horse, does it look neglected? She is living a good life on a horse ranch being a momma. She is spending the rest of her years as a brood mare. Nobody rides her or messes with her she just gets brushed, fed and cared for and all the work she has to do is take care of her foal and she loves that.

Lastly... you can't photoshop video too easy, so anyways this is a few days old. Do I look like your mee-maw? Do I look Like a GILF? Do I look in my 60s? Do I look mid-40s the age I represent?

Last of all, do you think a batshit crazy car thief could have gotten her life together this well if she was really that much of a train wreck? What does a batshit crazy person talk like anyways? Like me?

I'm sorry to bother yall with this nonsense. Can we just end it and the Kitty Bashing stop? I don't deserve it. Plain and simple. You guys saying I'm a Gilf and writing inaccurate misleading reviews of me cause you think it's funny or cool or more accepted... STOP. I don't know what yall say in the ROS's but I can tell without even reading them just from the part I can see that some of you guys are about as Real as a knockoff. So fake even Barbie is jealous.

I'd never mess with a single one of you's life. I'd never do anything to any one of you not even Tiny Gambino to deliberately harm your quality of living. Why do you all keep doing it to me? Can I live my life... can I make a living without being lied and picked on and made fun of?

Can we quit glorifying and excusing abusive people and instead call them out on it and be grown ups? I'm not enjoying this and it is not fun to me. I'm real guys. Don't listen to a bunch of quacks.
TheEccie214's Avatar
I think Tony is funny but fact is he's a board (and bored) troll. It escapes me why you give him so much power. Said it before about you and others, if I were a gal here I wouldn't get involved in any drama with a guy that's never going to see you and the fun of trolling is the response you get. I tried trolling you and you made light of the situation and it made me smile and I stopped trolling because it didn't upset you.

Lastly, don't let your self worth be dependent on any guy here, every lady is better than that.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Eccie unfortunately us ladies have to rely on our good reputations to make a living and the continued spread of crap like I'm old, crazy, down and out and other mistruths they spread about me directly affects my income. Obviously I am a responsible person who pay's bills to live just like anyone else in here. I don't want to struggle and worry and maybe not be able to pay something because guys won't call me because of the slander spread about me. I get more cancellations lately than actually come through and it's because of after a guy show's initial interest in me and starts reading about me in here... they get scared off because of these misconceptions being profligated throughout this site. Of course I'm going to try to deflect the negativity with truth. Who wouldn't when faced with a potential crisis from loss of income? I'm not going to just continue to laugh off attempts to put me under. Say he's a troll... but believe me that crap affects my livelihood. Guys don't know what to think, he plants seeds of doubt and they'd rather be safe than sorry and don't see me because of it. That's what's up. It's wrong.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I've given you this speech via PM.. so now I'm going to give it to you out here. Stop spending so much time and energy on someone who will never spend a dime on you and stop thinking that material things are going to elevate your status. There are 2 things most people here don't care about--- trolls and how much money a hook has. They aren't going to pay attention to either one.

No-- his posts don't affect your income. Your past, however, does. Most everything that has been said has been mentioned in your very old drama threads. Some people have the ability to get past that and see you're making changes-- hell, even I've complimented your more recent choices and actions-- and others are just going to feel like you're too much of a risk even now. That is life and that is what happens when you allow yourself to get dragged under for a little while.

I'll say it here-- gents... if you're concerned about seeing Kitty due to the drama you've seen--- give her a shot. From what I can see, she has put most if not all the drama behind her and is doing a good job of rebuilding her life. Concerned about her "real looks"? Ask her for a short video-- she has always been willing to oblige.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Grace did you read what he was saying last night? I feel pretty threatened and feel the need to protect myself. The fact that I have nice things, isn't that I seek to show off or am being materialistic. I am trying to show that I am responsible enough with my money to budget for nice things and am not some person with dependency issues or weak minded.

Eccie your style of trolling and people like Tony and Dorfy and totally different. You are not out for blood and they are. You have a heart and can be persuaded to right and wrong... do you think they care if they are right or wrong? No they just want my blood.

Grace I appreciate you speaking up for me. I am very concerned at this time and want very much to keep my head above water.
Grace Preston's Avatar
But that's just it. Tony is a troll. Others know him to be a troll. Hell, I'm pretty sure even HE acknowledges being a troll. What you're doing here is feeding more into it. That's all I'm trying to say.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Toni is the king (jester) of trolls, neck and neck with Wakeup and Lucass McCane. These yahoos don't have a brain between them, and have no other purpose but to stir shit (probably do it with their bare arm than with a stick).
I am in total agreement with Grace and should have heeded her advice and not given him the time of day. You started this threAD and it will not go in the direction you want it to. Yes, Eccie is how you pay your bills but you make it much more than that and the trolls see this. You have given them more than enough ammunition to send you into a spiraling downfall because you are entirely too emotional. You should have just come back with a new and refreshed outlook and stayed off the boards and out of the discussions. You TRY way too hard and it backfires on you every time. I truly hate that for you. I am going to suggest that you stop responding on this thread or any other thread trying to defend yourself. Just because bait is laid doesn't mean you have to take it. Just do you Kitty. Leave the Eccie wolves to themselves. Btw, I think it's great that you have gotten things back on just need to make use of the ignore option now.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I'm through. I proved my point... that I'm not what he is accusing me of and hopefully safeguarded myself against what he comes at me with later... I want guys to say... they are confident about coming to see me not that some troll has planted tiny gnawing seeds of doubt as to my stability as a provider.

Hobbyists are better safe than sorry. They won't take a chance on someone they feel iffy about. Dorthy, the guys calling me GILF, all of that... it harms it dulls my shine. So I put the evidence right out in public.

Better safe than sorry in my book too.
  • Re
  • 06-15-2016, 06:37 AM
Don't pm him. Block him. Don't respond to him. He'll get bored and quit. Every time you make a thread, or send him a message it's just a little stroke for nil.

PS: Your cat is fucking cute.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I am just not quite strong enough or self confident enough to take being slandered and not do anything about it. I am too worried that I'll step back and my phone won't ring and it won't ring again and I lose everything I've worked so hard for.

Stay off the boards... that's what makes my phone ring... I can't survive off iffy unreliable backpage I don't want to.

I am tired of fighting I am tired of defending myself the same shit over and over and over.

I am sensitive. I care and I care deeply. At least this shit hasn't turned me to stone. It would be easier but who wants to see a stone cold bitch?

Kendall thank you and I'm going to try you and Grace's advice... I'm going to try....Thank you.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Don't pm him. Block him. Don't respond to him. He'll get bored and quit. Every time you make a thread, or send him a message it's just a little stroke for nil.

PS: Your cat is fucking cute. Originally Posted by Re
Isn't she adorable... and what a personality! She is a Ragdoll cat. Very cool breed... same breed as Grumpy Cat although she does not have dwarfism which is what makes Grumpy look so Grumpy even though he's really not.
Don't waste major energy on mi or people. This guy can't dictate your (or failure) in life in any way. Is he paying your bills? Is he somehow taking care of you and yours? Are you dependent on him for anything in any way? No? Then he shouldn't mean dog shit to you. Only you can give him power by acknowledgements such as this. As I wasn't around during your more troubled times, I don't know (neither do I care about your past). All I have seen from "Kitty" since you have returned is a normal, well adjusted, thoughtful human being. Kudos to overcoming whatever demons you had to face to get to this point today.

Never let ANYONE dictate "your" value to "you"! You should always have enough inner fortitude to declare that you're a sexy beast under any circumstance, and if the world doesn't believe it, the world is wrong!

Also, Tony is Tony, he does what he does. You won't make it very far if you can't take his jabs, this is a mean environment especially for providers. You all get judged and ridicule to no end, but, it's just part of the game. So, suck it up, go suck some cock, and continue to make us proud!
KittyLamour's Avatar
It is hard not to take that shit personal when you try to look your best and you get called mee-maw Gilf and ancient. That shit just staggers my confidence. I'm not trying to represent myself as 27 yr old, my pics aren't old and they are recent and while they are not professional they are not doctored up either. I just want to be who I am and be respected for that person.

Darkey that was a very thoughtful and well written post. I appreciate it and I am going to take it to heart.

Thanks everyone for so far not coming at me with the artillery, cavalry, and infantry.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
The ignore button works, try it