How hard is it to reply to an invite/request?

Hercules's Avatar
Not replying to an invite/request seems to be the overall normal thing now not just in this business.

If someone invites you to a function or asks for an appointment and you are unavailable then SAY SO! Or offer alternative times. Waiting until an hour before to respond and say "I'm available!" Is just RUDE!

This gets on my nerves when ladies do it. But several "real world" people did it to me over TGivings too.

Everyone must have aced the Jedi mind reading skills and I missed that class.....

OK rant over.
pyramider's Avatar
The good manners over RSVPing in the real world is disappearing. I have been to functions where an accurate head count were a must. Non RSVPing people showed up and were then pissed when they did not get served.

Now the ladies in the hobby do not sit by their computers awaiting for fucktards to contact them. They have real world obligations and lives. P411 has had issues in the past where the ladies were not notified when requests were made. Email is faulty, I have been jumped on by my manager wanting to know why I had not completed a report. The email was caught up in na-na land on the web. After writing the report and sending it, I received the original email from my boss about 20 minutes later. But with the volume of emails the ladies get it would be very easy to overlook some. Some fucktards cause ladies to omit texts and emails without looking at them by what is written in the subject line and in texts.

Texts messages are the same. Metro PCS can be very inconsistent. Texts may take days to reach their targets. I did not believe it until one lady would text me while sitting 10' away and it might take minutes and even hours to reach me. It was the same thing when I would text her, too. Technology is wonderful, when it works.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
OP, the Jedi Class can still be attended. It is never too late.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 11-30-2014, 07:02 AM
I get irritated when my PMs are read, it's shows that it was read, and then no response, or a response hours or days later. There's proof it was sent, and proof that it was read. She just chose to read it and not respond.

Emails and texts don't bother me so much but the PMs...they are already right there reading it...just answer with something,,,ANYTHING!!! LOL
LazurusLong's Avatar
I get irritated when my PMs are read, it's shows that it was read, and then no response, or a response hours or days later. There's proof it was sent, and proof that it was read. She just chose to read it and not respond.

Emails and texts don't bother me so much but the PMs...they are already right there reading it...just answer with something,,,ANYTHING!!! LOL Originally Posted by L.A.
Not being a white knight for the providers who do this but let me toss out a few things.

She may be able to read the message but unable to do the rest of her screening process to see if you are an "acceptable" client. We all know that providers screen in numerous ways and heck, some even exclude clients if they have reviewed someone they do not "approve" of.

Providers do have lives outside the hobby so instant replies would be nice but keep in mind that if YOU are messaging her, who knows how many others are also doing the same. If she doesn't have a way to carry around her schedule, think about that for a minute, do you REALLY want her to have a schedule on her 24/7 or an online one that could be hacked into? No clue how most providers keep track of appointments but if she has to see if you pass screening and she can see you when you want, that is a multi step process.

A quick solution would be a simple acknowledgement, a short reply like:
"Hi! I got your invitation/request and once I have time to confirm you pass screening and then check my schedule, I'll get back to you"
pmdelites's Avatar

Email is faulty, I have been jumped on by my manager wanting to know why I had not completed a report. The email was caught up in na-na land on the web. After writing the report and sending it, I received the original email from my boss about 20 minutes later. ... Originally Posted by pyramider
was your manager a cute hottie?? did she show you her taint to entainted you to cumplete the report she wanted? or the report of her jumping your taint/bones/1.3" of dangling death?

if not, hope you didnt give up your taint to your male manager after he jumped on you.

pyramider's Avatar
Male manager, he was afraid of me due to me appearing in the secure office early in the morning and leaving messages on his dry board. He usually thought I was two states away.
pmdelites's Avatar
This gets on my nerves when ladies do it. But several "real world" people did it to me over TGivings too. Originally Posted by hercules
I get irritated when my PMs are read, it's shows that it was read, and then no response, or a response hours or days later. There's proof it was sent, and proof that it was read. She just chose to read it and not respond. Originally Posted by L.A.
my thoughts on this - accept that ALL forms of communication are incomplete, even face to face.
therefore, accept that any communication you send out may not get acknowledged or even replied to.

my advice/suggestion - you control your reaction to how people behave.
so, dont let them get to you or else they have won in a small way.
[that is, grow a thicker communication skin]

btw, the only thing that a "confirmed private message receipt" means [in my interpretation] is that someone selected the pvtMsg, saw the dialog that says "<sender> would like a confirmation", and then selected to Confirm the receipt.
it DOES NOT mean that anyone, much less the intended receiver, read or even understood the message.
it's like someone started to play a voicemail from you then skipped to the next one or deleted it.

sometimes, when looking at pvtMsgs, i cancel out of the "confirm receipt" dialog and then read the entire msg. later on, i may confirm receipt of the pvtMsg.
ck1942's Avatar
imho -

-- when first contacting a provider to obtain an appointment make sure you are using her preferred communication channel, make sure you include all information pertinent to her posts or profile about required information.

-- make sure you give her enough advance notice -- day and time you'd like to play, and, give her a reasonable deadline for her to reply with a confirmation or alternative day and time.

Anything less than the above exposes the requester to the challenges of TCB on her end, and the concurrent discontent on the requester end.

Gents who fail to do adequate research in provider pricing, services, quality of TCB, usually end up on the very short end of the stick.
Hercules's Avatar
I'm not singling out these ladies. I'm saying it's starting to become the "in" thing to not respond. As if to say "I'm soooo busy and important that the 15 seconds to respond is too much". Which is BS and just flat ass rude in my not so humble opinion.
Pedrosia's Avatar
I'm not singling out these ladies. I'm saying it's starting to become the "in" thing to not respond. As if to say "I'm soooo busy and important that the 15 seconds to respond is too much". Which is BS and just flat ass rude in my not so humble opinion. Originally Posted by Hercules
I agree
It is becoming far more common in my business world for customers and suppliers to just not respond.
Providers are worse in my experience. I at least reply "no thanks" or "I'm busy" when hit up for a session by a provider I've seen before.