Drone Strike kills 2 ISIS-K and wounds a third

ICU 812's Avatar
I have frequently criticized President Biden on this forum. I feel that my disparaging remarks are quell earned by Mr. Biden. When he said we would strike back at the Kabul airport bombers, I was strongly skeptical.

Well he did authorize a strike that is said to have killed two important ISIS-K (whoever they are) "planners and facilitators" (whatever that means), and I give him credit for that. That is a good thing.

What is it that the Forrest Gump character often said /?"Stupid is as stupid does. This turned out well and I congratulate te President on that.
  • oeb11
  • 08-28-2021, 02:12 PM
ICU - a Concept - every so often - a blind Hog finds an acorn.
texassapper's Avatar
Sure it did... we knew just where the guy that planned the attack was, huh?

color me skeptical...probably just some goat herder in a pickup and we whacked him and called him ISIS do Beijing Biden can look decisive...LOL as if.
I have frequently criticized President Biden on this forum. I feel that my disparaging remarks are quell earned by Mr. Biden. When he said we would strike back at the Kabul airport bombers, I was strongly skeptical.

Well he did authorize a strike that is said to have killed two important ISIS-K (whoever they are) "planners and facilitators" (whatever that means), and I give him credit for that. That is a good thing.

What is it that the Forrest Gump character often said /?"Stupid is as stupid does. This turned out well and I congratulate te President on that. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I congratulate the Military Personnel that operated the Drone. Fuck Biden. the only credit that demented ass deserves is causing this whole fiasco.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Only 3????
There had to be dozens and dozens involved, if not over a hundred.
ICU 812's Avatar
Frankly . . .I agree with the incredulous remarks above. I think the President said , " . . .well, DO something!" . . .and they did something.

Actually, it is my belief that those surrounding Mr. Biden are doing the thinking while administering his medications. That is how we got the withdrawal fiasco we have now. No professional military strategist would have given up Bagram before doing what should have been a a staged withdrawal.

Heck; why not move the official US Embassy to Bagram and declare the whole place to be "US Soil" , and "withdraw" everyone to that fortress. The Soviets did something like that during The Cultural Revolution in China. Their embassy became an armed fort full of crack troops.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Sure it did... we knew just where the guy that planned the attack was, huh?

color me skeptical...probably just some goat herder in a pickup and we whacked him and called him ISIS do Beijing Biden can look decisive...LOL as if. Originally Posted by texassapper
yeah, he was prolly innocent, DOD decided the poor sucker was ISIS-K.

those type of killings have consequences, its what kept the Taliban alive.
I have frequently criticized President Biden on this forum. I feel that my disparaging remarks are quell earned by Mr. Biden. When he said we would strike back at the Kabul airport bombers, I was strongly skeptical.

Well he did authorize a strike that is said to have killed two important ISIS-K (whoever they are) "planners and facilitators" (whatever that means), and I give him credit for that. That is a good thing.

What is it that the Forrest Gump character often said /?"Stupid is as stupid does. This turned out well and I congratulate te President on that. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I assume facilitator means bomb maker. Planner maybe selected the person that would walk into a crowd, then coached the bomber on when to detonate for maximum terror effect.
  • oeb11
  • 08-30-2021, 05:29 AM
i assume
Try joining teh Taliban adn volunteer to elucidate the FACTS,
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Biden drones a bunch of kids, an interpreter and a soldier who stood with Americans and a shopkeeper. Good work Joe.

1: Zemaray, Interpreter
2: Naseer, Army officer
2: Zameer, Shopkeeper
4: Faisal, Student
5: Farzad, Student
6: Ayat, 2 years old
7: Sumaya, 2 years old
8: Armin, 4 years old
9: Binyamen, 3 years old
  • oeb11
  • 08-30-2021, 05:33 AM
J- Thank you

a source would be helpful
Not surprising - One won't see that on Xinn - and the sheeples slumber in ignorance.
bambino's Avatar
J- Thank you

a source would be helpful
Not surprising - One won't see that on Xinn - and the sheeples slumber in ignorance. Originally Posted by oeb11
texassapper's Avatar
Biden drones a bunch of kids, an interpreter and a soldier who stood with Americans and a shopkeeper. Good work Joe.

1: Zemaray, Interpreter
2: Naseer, Army officer
2: Zameer, Shopkeeper
4: Faisal, Student
5: Farzad, Student
6: Ayat, 2 years old
7: Sumaya, 2 years old
8: Armin, 4 years old
9: Binyamen, 3 years old Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
So Beijing Bidens response turned out to actually BE worse than do nothing. The response was to kill a person that had worked with US forces and kids?

texassapper's Avatar
i assume
Try joining teh Taliban adn volunteer to elucidate the FACTS, Originally Posted by oeb11
Great example of critical thought there. Wake me up when you have anything intelligent to add...