Raven Rayne's Avatar
first of all let me say that I hope this is the correct forum. That being said. I am very frustrated and hopefully some will have some advice for me on this topic. I can't get established on Eccie because I don't have enough reviews. Therefore many hobbyists won't see me because I'm not highly reviewed but yet I have now seen 6 hobbyist and had great sessions, their words, but yet they won't take the time to write in a review what they so freely told me here. Tonight I had a gentleman who flip flop on seeing me for about 3 hours then finally book the appointment only to cancel it five minutes later saying he was just too apprehensive because I didn't have enough reviews. Well hell I can't make anyone write a damn review! So what's a girl to do? I guess I'll just sit here and wait around hoping that one day someone will take the time to write something. Thanks for letting me vent.
dj8rocks's Avatar
Hey Raven, I see that you have two recent reviews. Have you tried to pm the mods on your local boards since the reviews were written? If not, give that a shot, you should be able to get VP status now. As for getting the guys to write reviews, try some strategy like offer a discount for the second visit if they will write a review of the first visit. That way it is a win win for both parties. Good luck, and be safe. dj8
Long nose's Avatar
Some pics might help and I've seen a lot of girls offer review specials when they first start .
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
As soon as the Mods attach your reviews hon you should be fine since you have 2 showing. Just give them a little time, they move as fast as they're able along with maintaining their RW occupations. Congratulations and just remember that you win some and lose some
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Sorry to hear about your major frustration, sweetheart.

However, if you stand back and look at the situation more objectively, you will see that it is the basic and universal template of life for people starting off in their careers.

It's sometimes difficult for someone new to get work because they don't have experience, but they can't get the experience without the work. The accursed Catch-22 predicament.

. . . It is really a small hill you have to climb as a way to prove to the world that you really want this. Hang in there. Word will get out.

pyramider's Avatar
RR27, please remember that the modtards are unpaid volunteers. I thinck the adminitards have the modtards on video in compromising situations ... I may be wrong ... doubtful. The modtards will get to it in due time. But you can post taint photos until they get you verified.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
First try posting some pictures to catch the guys attention. Second, don't create handles and post fake reviews. We really don't like that plus it's against the rules. Third offering a review special on the first our second visit is a good idea. But only to guys who write reviews you'll most likely get taken advantage of by lurkers trying to save a buck. Good luck.
I would not offer a review special on the first date. An incentive to return after he posts the review makes more sense to me. If you offer a review special and the person doesn't write it, what can you do?
Perhaps some photos and a "review special - come see me. Write an honest review. I'll knock $50 off your next session." And I mean $50 as how America means $50 not $150 from ancient times escort code.
I will say that your one review could seem suspect to some. The guys first post and it was a review on a newbie.. But just keep moving forward.. You'll get it. Newbie guys have the same frustration.
Invest in photos, p411, etc..
You need some photos, sweetie! Remember men are visual creatures. It's fine to conceal your face or any tattoos, but good photos really are a must. Aside from that... patience. You do have two reviews now (even if one might be considered suspect by some) so that's a start. But it takes time to get established anywhere. When I first started on one of the now-defunct Michigan boards, it took me two months to get my first appointment.
When I first started on one of the now-defunct Michigan boards, it took me two months to get my first appointment. Originally Posted by Bijou Neko
Two months,,,I hope you had a second job! I don't know what she looks like but if she relocated for a short while I'm pretty sure she could get plenty of new reviews. We got a small market and a bunch of horn dogs just a bit north of Dallas.
Two months,,,I hope you had a second job! I don't know what she looks like but if she relocated for a short while I'm pretty sure she could get plenty of new reviews. We got a small market and a bunch of horn dogs just a bit north of Dallas. Originally Posted by Worldtravler
What/where is this golf course that you speak of? I love to travel.
joesmo888's Avatar
well you have 2 reviews so 2 out of 6 ain't that bad.

just keep at it and at the end of the date tell the guy "i would really appreciate if you would put up a review"

also this seems weird (and some may attack me for saying this) but sometimes guys like you so much they almost want to keep you UTR because they don't want others having a shot at you

I also like the review idea of discounting the next date. you can email the guy after and say "i will take off $50 for our next session if you put up a review"..
RideFreeInTexas's Avatar
I agree with the others, you need to post some pics. Believe me, good pics are going to bring you MUCH more business than reviews. You have two decent reviews, but neither offers much of a physical description, so many of us are scratching our heads. You may be 4' tall or 7', 90 pound spinner or 200 pound BBW, bald or cascading hair, who knows (we sure don't). What most guys here don't like is the unknown, when in doubt we'd rather move on to the next provider than take a chance. So make the unknown known

PS- if it's anonymity you're concerned about, then blur out your face or just post body shots. Many of the ladies here do that.
Dr. Vanity's Avatar
I'm in same boat! Smh but I agree with the above advice! And I will add.... Never place all ur eggs in ONE basket
take a deep breath, if your good they will come!
A good profile & reviews on TER is the Holy Grail