Thank you Ladies of DFW

Rcoop361's Avatar
A thanks from my Doctor & Me. Being since I've been seeing you I've lost 40+lbs and my vitals are way in the GREEN now, My doctor has been Impressed with your abilities, as you have done in less than 6 months what he had been trying to do over the past 6 1/2 years. He actually stated that this may become a new TREATMENT METHOD, and he also mentioned the possibility of me coming off TOTAL Disability due to your efforts. So a BIG Thank you from me, as my life is SO much more enjoyable now!!!
Like they say, an apple bottom a day keeps the grim reaper away
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Congrats, Coop! That is so awesome! Keep doin' what ya do! xoxo
That is so awesome Rcoop! Keep up the good work darlin'!
Rcoop and his Doc may be on to something. I have lost over 50 lbs in the last 5-6 years which matches up with my shift from occasional SC and AMP to the hobby. I just had a blood work up, all normal, BP good, ticker good and as my Doc says you are ten years younger.

TexasFlip's Avatar
I can't cite any studies, but I personally feel the more sex I have the more I tend to live healthier (as opposed to the reverse as some may argue).

Because I'm getting back into the hobby, I find myself watching what I eat and making exercise a priority. I think it has to do with seeing a lady smile when I walk into a room. Unfortunately, the smiles right now are probably because I come with cash in hand
daty/o's Avatar
Good work Coop, but, damn; what is that, about $400 a lb?
TexasFlip's Avatar
And great job coop! Life is about the experience, it's so much better when you can enjoy all of it to the fullest. Keeping healthy definitely makes it better.
Rcoop361's Avatar
And I must add a special Thanks to DallasRain (The Ambusher) being she not from the DFW area

Congrats, Coop! That is so awesome! Keep doin' what ya do! xoxo Originally Posted by M A X
You definitely played a part in the results. We will have to work on that Tag Team you spoke of (and a very interesting partner you have). Hopefully I will only get GOOD POINTS from the session, LOL

Rcoop and his Doc may be on to something. I have lost over 50 lbs in the last 5-6 years which matches up with my shift from occasional SC and AMP to the hobby. I just had a blood work up, all normal, BP good, ticker good and as my Doc says you are ten years younger.

HOBBY ON!!!!! IT VITAL TO YOUR HEALTH. Originally Posted by LuckJack
He was skeptical at first till he had the tech pull the readings from my Defibrillator for the times of my sessions (which was set off during this session but it was due to the low settings they had it at), a few of the ladies sent the readings off the charts, during the longer sessions. Good thing I had dates from my reviews to confirm it. Although he was a little upset to find out where his Co-Pay was going, But still happy with the results, LOL.

Good work Coop, but, damn; what is that, about $400 a lb? Originally Posted by eccl3
oh but so much cheaper than the ER prices, and a whole lot more fun than some of the nurses (with their needles)!!
Vnurse I don't think you fit in that category, being I haven't seen needles in any of your reviews, LOL

Like they say, an apple bottom a day keeps the grim reaper away Originally Posted by petershah
He actually only gave me a couple of years without a Heart Transplant which I am now off that list. As that would be a step backwards now!!!

Oh let me add if I do come off Total Disability and get back to my paygrade, IT'S ON LADIES ESPECIALLY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE REALLY WORKED WITH ME, (and you know who you are)
Damn rcoop. you got a hell of a dr.Great prescription he gave u lol
That is totally awesome!!
You've avoided a heart transplant!!!
Congrats big time.
By the way, you can't deduct the visits as a medical expense; it's been tried:
Wow congratulations. That's really good news. I hope all is well.