Really looking forward to this film..

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 04-28-2013, 01:24 PM

I love vintage clothing, and period pieces. Such a different and beautiful time.

With a soundtrack as powerful as this - how can it be a bad film?
(leave out the obvious jokes about DiCaprio)

Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful
BBW Katrina's Avatar
It's a great book and I am looking forward to the movie as well. The original movie was just ok.
rxram03's Avatar
It's a great book and I am looking forward to the movie as well. The original movie was just ok. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
Same here on the original movie. Hope this one is great - I say that because I'm not a fan of Tobie McGuire.
I am really looking forward to this one myself. I have always loved the book, but the original movie was a big disappointment. But with Baz Luhrmann at the helm of this one I think it will be done very well. Of course still have to wait for May 10, which isn't so bad since Iron Man 3 comes out Friday, yay!
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 04-29-2013, 10:49 AM
IM3 is on my list but I am not one of those people to see things opening weekend. I hate fighting crowds. Another movie I have my eye on is this.

After reading the book, it appears they didn't stick to the same format, but close and looks to be really well done.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The book is a work of great literature. May I suggest you read it, also, to enhance the enjoyment of the film.
pyramider's Avatar
Wrong. Watch the film first, then read the book. Too many times have I read the book and walked away from the theatre disappointed by the movie.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
pádu ze schodů a narazil hlavou není tak špatné
falling down the stairs and hit his head not so bad

Movies have a hard time living up to a book, true.
rxram03's Avatar
I'm going to enjoy this summer. Iron Man 3, Great Gatsby, Star Trek: Into Darkness, After Earth, The Purge, Man of Steel, World War Z, The Wolverine, Elysium, Kick-Ass 2
pyramider's Avatar
pádu ze schodů a narazil hlavou není tak špatné
falling down the stairs and hit his head not so bad
Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Pretty close. That sig line was aimed specifically to one person.
Epimetheus's Avatar
Maybe a few ladies would like me to take them? I girl on each side. A dark movie theatre the fun that comes to mind! ;-)
pyramider's Avatar
Are you thincking of popcorn greasy hand hand jobs? A word of warning, that popcorn smell does not wash off easily.
Iaintliein's Avatar

I love vintage clothing, and period pieces. Such a different and beautiful time.

With a soundtrack as powerful as this - how can it be a bad film?
(leave out the obvious jokes about DiCaprio)

Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Love the era, the loosening of the iron grip of the Victorian age while seeing the unfolding technological revolution through the eyes of children. Timeless style and true glamor died around 1943 I think. . . the technology killed it.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Pretty close. That sig line was aimed specifically to one person. Originally Posted by pyramider
mint ahogy utazások megy, én vagyok a kevésbé kitaposott ösvényeket

As travel goes, the path less traveled
jbravo_123's Avatar
Are you thincking of popcorn greasy hand hand jobs? A word of warning, that popcorn smell does not wash off easily. Originally Posted by pyramider