Trump supporters share a fake image of an undocumented immigrant voting, scream voter fraud

They are getting desperate:
An image is circulating around the internet depicting a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent arresting an alleged undocumented immigrant in the back of a voter line. In one scary tweet originating from a supporter of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, the individual said that ICE agents are monitoring polling sites.
In reality, both the photo and the tweet itself are fake.

Intended to scare Latino voters from going to the voting booth, the image in the tweet is actually two separate photos stitched together to concoct a completely false story. One photo, used widely by other media outlets like the Wall Street Journal, is from a primary voting location in Arizona from March. The other photo can be found on Wikimedia Commons, according to ProPublica and Univision, which first reported the image composite.

CREDIT: Wikimedia Commons
Supporters of Donald Trump have been tweeting the photoshopped image at several Spanish-language media outlets, hoping to rile up readers and dissuade them from voting on Election Day.
For months now, Trump has claimed the election is rigged against him and that some people — especially undocumented immigrants — would commit voter fraud at the behest of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. There have been almost no cases of voter impersonation since 2000, and allegations of mass “vote flipping”—where machines “flip” a vote to another candidate unintended by the voter—have also turned out to be false. In the most recent instance of proven voter fraud, it’s a passionate Trump supporter who was caught voting twice for the Republican candidate.
Trump has tacitly encouraged his supporters to engage in voter intimidation on Election Day, calling on them to “watch” polls in “certain areas,” urban cities like Detroit and Philadelphia, where many black voters live.
But Trump supporters know how to prey on the worst fears of Latino voters as well, like the above tweet. About 27.6 million Latino voters are eligible to vote this year, with Trump’s harsh anti-Latino, anti-immigrant rhetoric spurring at least one Latino voter group to register upwards of 100,000 people to vote in the 2016 election.
What makes this tweet so effective as a voter intimidation tactic is the longstanding history of mistrust with ICE agents among Latino voters with immigrant families. Fears of ICE agents arresting and deporting immigrants aren’t unwarranted. Just in the past year, the Obama administration has authorized a series of raids on recent arrivals from Central America and immigrants with past criminal records. For a while, major Latino business centers became ghost towns that generated little revenue from the lack of business. Latino students — even ones who are U.S. citizen children — complained of phantom illnesses because they were afraid that they or a family member could get picked up. ICE agents have even entered so-called sensitive locations like schools and churches to detain immigrants.
Attached Images File Type: jpg 19e73bde94690545e48d8e704347acb9.jpg (47.4 KB, 61 views) File Type: jpeg 1*bXM5szKqkZI4zmeRgHad7Q.jpeg (169.7 KB, 62 views)
So, this is supposed to deter Latinos from voting? Why?
If your American citizen shouldn't be a problem. Not sure what your point is here JizzFace.

Another desperate post from you as your White House dreams gets flushed down the toilet with Hitlary Rotten Cuntbag.

Attachment 584014
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-01-2016, 05:00 AM
[QUOTE=canuckeight;1058816034]So, this is supposed to deter Latinos from voting? Why?
If your American citizen shouldn't be a problem. Not sure what your point is here JizzFace.

Another desperate post from you as your White House dreams gets flushed down the toilet with Hitlary Rotten Cuntbag.

Are you clueless because you enjoy being dumb, or are you incapable of actually thinking.

I have been through border crossings a number of times with co-workers. The darker skinned folks--man, woman, it matters little--are far too often harassed much more than the lighter skinned ones. ESPECIALLY coming from Mexico or landing at Texas airports. Business suit, cooperative, all papers/passport in order, but some self-righteous "defender of the US from those damn foreigners" decides that he (it's almost always a "he") has a god given dictate to do more!
--ask them their religion
--detain them for hours while they "check with a supervisor"
--screen their baggage MULTIPLE times
--tell them they can't enter and have to buy an airline ticket IMMEDIATELY to fly "back to your third world mama" (actual quote)

Results have been missed business meetings on top of a lot of annoyance and frustration. At the INS checkpoint north of Las Cruces, NM, often accompanied by a view of the green suited goons laughing about it. One time they wanted one passenger in the car to stay behind and told the other three of us we could leave. Obviously we didn't. Guess which of the four of us was the darkest skinned? Sicilian.

The folks I tend to travel with are patient (most the time), but take down names and ID info, and file complaints. Sometimes getting these jerks fired fortunately. Best one was when the local Billy Joe Bob INS goon at Dulles delayed a companion of mine who was going to a meeting at DHS in DC. My companion called the person at DHS, explained that his US official passport was apparently not sufficient, and then passed the phone to BJB to continue the conversation.

They don't (as far as I know) get bonuses for harassing legitimate folks, but they certainly seem to get a "moral satisfaction" from doing it. It is very easy to see how people would be intimidated by such antics.

Let me ask a question of you: Do YOU trust the government to make no mistakes? It is obvious you don't, so why do you expect a Latino to trust there won't be an erroneous deportation?

I know, you are hoping there will be.

First of all Lo T what does your rant have to do with the photos?

I have done a tremendous amount of work in Mexico. I have traveled back and forth the US Mexican border with Mexican citizens who conducts business in the US. Never a problem at border with 1 gringo and 3 Mexican business people. Back and forth, never a problem. Only if you do not have ID or passport becomes a problem.

So, I don't know what you assholes were doing.

Attachment 584048
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-01-2016, 06:02 AM
It has to do with your comment, "If your American citizen shouldn't be a problem." I have seen plenty of problems for US citizens. I am glad you have not, but that is not everyone's experience.
So, this is supposed to deter Latinos from voting? Why?
If your American citizen shouldn't be a problem. Not sure what your point is here JizzFace.

Another desperate post from you as your White House dreams gets flushed down the toilet with Hitlary Rotten Cuntbag.

Attachment 584014 Originally Posted by canuckeight
have you checked the polls today or checked Trump's paths to 270? he's going to have to turn 2 Blue states Red and win 6 of the 7 battleground states. He's going to need intervetion from God to win and any man who says Two Corinthians instead of 2nd Corinthians doesn't have God on his side.
Boo hoo Low T. So for a long time, Border Security had to work by profiling. They didn't stop the 6'2" blonde haired blue eyed guys who said "American" with a Texas Accent when they went through Laredo. Makes sense to me.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-01-2016, 07:03 AM
You don't get it, Gonad, and you never will. Equality under the law was never something you believed in--except for blue eyed blonde Arians of course.
You don't get it, Gonad, and you never will. Equality under the law was never something you believed in--except for blue eyed blonde Arians of course. Originally Posted by Old-T
southtown4488's Avatar
Hitler is celebrating over Trump in hell.
  • DSK
  • 11-01-2016, 08:49 AM
So, this is supposed to deter Latinos from voting? Why?
If your American citizen shouldn't be a problem. Not sure what your point is here JizzFace.

Another desperate post from you as your White House dreams gets flushed down the toilet with Hitlary Rotten Cuntbag.

Are you clueless because you enjoy being dumb, or are you incapable of actually thinking.

I have been through border crossings a number of times with co-workers. The darker skinned folks--man, woman, it matters little--are far too often harassed much more than the lighter skinned ones. ESPECIALLY coming from Mexico or landing at Texas airports. Business suit, cooperative, all papers/passport in order, but some self-righteous "defender of the US from those damn foreigners" decides that he (it's almost always a "he") has a god given dictate to do more!
--ask them their religion
--detain them for hours while they "check with a supervisor"
--screen their baggage MULTIPLE times
--tell them they can't enter and have to buy an airline ticket IMMEDIATELY to fly "back to your third world mama" (actual quote)

Results have been missed business meetings on top of a lot of annoyance and frustration. At the INS checkpoint north of Las Cruces, NM, often accompanied by a view of the green suited goons laughing about it. One time they wanted one passenger in the car to stay behind and told the other three of us we could leave. Obviously we didn't. Guess which of the four of us was the darkest skinned? Sicilian.

The folks I tend to travel with are patient (most the time), but take down names and ID info, and file complaints. Sometimes getting these jerks fired fortunately. Best one was when the local Billy Joe Bob INS goon at Dulles delayed a companion of mine who was going to a meeting at DHS in DC. My companion called the person at DHS, explained that his US official passport was apparently not sufficient, and then passed the phone to BJB to continue the conversation.

They don't (as far as I know) get bonuses for harassing legitimate folks, but they certainly seem to get a "moral satisfaction" from doing it. It is very easy to see how people would be intimidated by such antics.

Let me ask a question of you: Do YOU trust the government to make no mistakes? It is obvious you don't, so why do you expect a Latino to trust there won't be an erroneous deportation?

I know, you are hoping there will be.

Originally Posted by canuckeight
I've been fucked with at the border by a Latino border patrol agent, and that was in the 1980's. He threatened my fraternity brother with jail, also. Had we not backed down I wouldn't have been drinking the worm out of that cheap tequila bottle an hour later as we rode back home.

Anecdotal evidence is highly subject to biased presentations, and can hardly form the basis for widespread condemnation.

Additionally, more than one fake passport has been used to enter this once great nation of ours.

Having said all that, a gentleman with money to spend from any country should be temporarily and politely welcome to come here and buy things. Then, he should go back to his own people and feel more culturally at ease among his own people.

If he is a US citizen, he does have a right to complain, and to be taken seriously. I'm sure most border patrol agents now days have been thoroughly indoctrinated and can spot a peasant when they want to get their kicks, and likely leave rich guys of any race alone.
So, this is supposed to deter Latinos from voting? Why?
If your American citizen shouldn't be a problem. Not sure what your point is here JizzFace.

Another desperate post from you as your White House dreams gets flushed down the toilet with Hitlary Rotten Cuntbag.

Are you clueless because you enjoy being dumb, or are you incapable of actually thinking.

I have been through border crossings a number of times with co-workers. The darker skinned folks--man, woman, it matters little--are far too often harassed much more than the lighter skinned ones. ESPECIALLY coming from Mexico or landing at Texas airports. Business suit, cooperative, all papers/passport in order, but some self-righteous "defender of the US from those damn foreigners" decides that he (it's almost always a "he") has a god given dictate to do more!
--ask them their religion
--detain them for hours while they "check with a supervisor"
--screen their baggage MULTIPLE times
--tell them they can't enter and have to buy an airline ticket IMMEDIATELY to fly "back to your third world mama" (actual quote)

Results have been missed business meetings on top of a lot of annoyance and frustration. At the INS checkpoint north of Las Cruces, NM, often accompanied by a view of the green suited goons laughing about it. One time they wanted one passenger in the car to stay behind and told the other three of us we could leave. Obviously we didn't. Guess which of the four of us was the darkest skinned? Sicilian.

The folks I tend to travel with are patient (most the time), but take down names and ID info, and file complaints. Sometimes getting these jerks fired fortunately. Best one was when the local Billy Joe Bob INS goon at Dulles delayed a companion of mine who was going to a meeting at DHS in DC. My companion called the person at DHS, explained that his US official passport was apparently not sufficient, and then passed the phone to BJB to continue the conversation.

They don't (as far as I know) get bonuses for harassing legitimate folks, but they certainly seem to get a "moral satisfaction" from doing it. It is very easy to see how people would be intimidated by such antics.

Let me ask a question of you: Do YOU trust the government to make no mistakes? It is obvious you don't, so why do you expect a Latino to trust there won't be an erroneous deportation?

I know, you are hoping there will be.

Originally Posted by canuckeight
We sure wouldn't want any " Born in east L.A. " situations, now would we Thumper. So lets just fling the doors open for everyone to come and get on the welfare and dumbascrap voter rolls, right THUMPER !!
Hitler is celebrating over Trump in hell. Originally Posted by southtown4488
WE are all celebrating another one of YOUR lying liberal Clintonistas being FIRED and exposed for the cheating Dindu Nuffin bitch that she is, suckclown. Prolly good that Donna " The lead DNC Liar " was fired AFTER she passed on debate questions to the brain addled nominee of YOU lying liberals ! Keep seeking shade under Lube's Wide Ass and picking his dingleberries ! Did he give YOU a good discount on YOUR pumpkin ? Did he carve a nice one for YOU ?
southtown4488's Avatar Originally Posted by southtown4488

210 for TRUMP