Now I know I'm falling for a provider. But I don't know what to do.

Well, I know this is an old and stupid topic. Please ignore me if I'm boring you with this shit. But I have to speak it out, cuz I am driven crazy! Now here is the story:
I met the provider two weeks ago and have been seeing her every two or three days. (only have had two sessions. Yes, several meet ups but only two sessions cuz I feel embarrassed to ask for a session.) At first I just want to help this girl back on her feet. But as time went by, I found that I began to have another kind of feeling about her. I couldn't turn down any of her requests. I did research for her, rent a car under my name for her, took her to shopping and paid for her outfits, and made dumplings at home for her. And I was willing to sign her court bonds and rent an apartment for her.Yes, I trust her! And I care about her. When being with her, I feel a lil bit nervous and extremely happy just like years ago when I met my first love in college. When staring at her face, I almost forgot about the world around me. Seeing her smile, I feel that nothing else can satisfy more... Every time I came back home after seeing her, I couldn't help but stare at her picture getting absentminded in everything else and began to expect our next meet up. And some times I even woke up from dreams about her at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning......
I think I'm insane. I never thought of falling for an escort, but this is what's happening now! Omg! Yesterday when I saw another guy stating in his post that he had found true love here, I even had happy tears...
What should I do? I'm going crazy!
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
RUN FOREST RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 02-17-2015, 06:31 PM
GET THE FUCK OUT..........NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
Listen man u are going to get a real beating. Throw your cell phone in the trash. Take a vacation. Check yourself into psyc center for nerves . STOP
I know how you're feeling. I read your reviews and all the things you hoped would be "private" but aren't in one of your posts.

I recently fell for a provider. A little different--had one paid session, and then we began dating. Talk of leaving the hobby. Met her daughter. She spent a few nights at my place-even booty called me NYE to come play in Irving. That said--RUN!

You are not only emotionally attached--you're financially and legally attached (renting her an apartment and renting her a car.) Sever ties.

I promise-this won't end well. No matter what.

And to be candid-by your own admission, she's not very kind to you. She doesn't want to suck your soft cock--after an afternoon you spent exhausting yourself running around for her! Cancel what you can--lose whatever money you've lost.

Distance will help you re-gain your mental clarity. If you need any insight--PM me.;
TheRealJohnnyRingo's Avatar
Pards from reading that there's only one thing you are obviously GOING TO DO since your mind is clearly made up. I say the only way for you to truly learn is to take the plunge, fuck your shit totally up, recover and repeat. I've done it for decades with civilians and hookers, both. The only difference is the price and to tell you the truth I've been fucked up a lot less by hookers because with them I expected it; Cindy Civilian is just as capable of jacking your shit up. Best of luck. Let us know how this learning experience works out for you.
macbeth1000's Avatar
This is how stalking starts.
Invisible1's Avatar
Sounds like Tessa is more than just tenacious.

Badbanana, it is very nice of you to help Tessa out, but do yourself a favor. Make sure you are not wanting to date her because you feel sorry for her, think you can save her from her situation or change her in some way. You cant save or help someone change unless they also really want to make the change you envision for them. Make sure you want to date her because you both have mutual respect for each other. One sided relationships never work.

Good luck. You are gonna need it.
I met the provider two weeks ago. Originally Posted by badbanana

ummm....say what?
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
Johnny Ringo said go ahead and fuck yourself up all of the way so u will learn. He may be correct. Also he may be right about for example ex wives. No provider can screw me over more than ex wives
daty/o's Avatar
WTF? Must be something in the water. Seems to be a lot of this virus going around. See, if you would have just covered up this never would have happened.
JuanBear4U's Avatar
Poor bastard. I saw your review man. The minute you were jipped for 30 min should have gave you a red flag to stay away. Now your just a walking ATM. Hope it doesn't get bad for ya. I wish you luck.
Hercules's Avatar
This has GOT to be a joke.....
pyramider's Avatar
Go for it ... what could possibly go awry?
ManSlut's Avatar
This is how stalking starts. Originally Posted by macbeth1000
Kind of like when you obsessed so bad for weeks and wouldn't stop talking about wanting to grudge fuck Wulf Princess, huh?

Fffffffffffffiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrr rrrrrreeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

To the OP: There's no sugar coating this - YOU'RE A CHUMP! Please, for the good of the Hobby, start jacking off more and not thinking about Miss Angel Face with the criminal record when doing it, too..Did you happen to think that if she hurts someone while behind the wheel of this rental car with your name on it, who is legally responsible?...Well, let me make this perfectly clear - IT'S YOU DIPSHIT!!
I'm not even going to touch the 2 weeks thing, the kid thing or the Dumplings. You're fucked up, plain and simple.

My God, I come back from Ban Land and the Fucktards are now Bat Shit Crazy! I'm seriously afraid to get my Premium Access back and read the craziness in the Men's Lounge.