candie. LUBBOCK BP

this woman seemed pretty legit after I first messaged her for a pic, prices and services. on the day I wanted to meet with her, I had a situation appear and I canceled my appointment. Then the very next day I had sent her a text asking if she was available. after a couple of hours with no reply, I went on assuming she wasn't. 7 HOURS LATER, while I was asleep she sent a text saying Im available now. I didnt find this message til this morning when I woke up for work. If had my significant other would of seen this, hobbying would of been in the past for me, shit would of hit the fan. literally. so Im just alerting all you hobbyists out there that considered a go at her..... I don't think her discretion for clients is taken very seriously. and after digging around I found out her pictures are fake and she was actually a woman that always posted on CL.

again this is just a warning to all my fellow hobbyists! Good luck guys!
john_deere's Avatar

this is your own fault for not using an app like pinger at a minimum.
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
Messaging back 7 hours later is a little extreme but I would recommend including in your text please do not respond after (time)

You could also send a text before heading home to those you contacted saying please do not contact me back, ill call you or I am not longer interested... Something to let her know she can not just text back at anytime.

Just to cover your butt... Of course a text app is great as well... I know
some ladies do not deal with text or calling apps but it is safer...

Don't just trust the lady will not contact you back because it is late.
If you contacted her and did not specify a time in which she couldn't
message you back, you leave the chance she could...

I do not return missed calls after an hour for this reason and normally most
texts after a couple hours, depending on the time of day...
kkgenki's Avatar
I really don't see how this is the providers fault using your own person phone is amateur hour. Use a burner or google voice or something to filter messages so shit never happens like this.
You dumbass ������
gahhh!!! so mean! lol haha jk ya know I never thought of a text app. Thanks for the advice everyone! This is why I post, you live and you learn. Also. she did know I was attached and I did ask her NOT to text me anytime after 6 because I have ran into this problem from bpers before. But honestly thanks for the advice. I am just a guy, and when you think with you di**, you seem not to think all things through! haha
You are assuming she is the one texting, and in control of the phone
john_deere's Avatar
see? that's a manly as fuck response right there. intead of getting all fucking butt hurt like some of these idiots, you recognize the learning opportunity and used it to improve your game. good on you.
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
In my opinion if the lady was asked not to text after a certain time and she did then it is partly her fault.