Useful thread for the men !!!

Carmella_love69's Avatar
Its been a big topic amongst the female providers lately. I think the male providers should be aware before they set encounter if the provider is not Reference friendly. Which providers have certain amount times you have to see them in order to provide a reference....

Alot of new providers are not Reference friendly so i might be a question guys would like to ask if this is something you might need in the future...

Myself: As long as i have seen you before i will always provide a reference and give my honest detailed opinion of our encounter...
mrredcat43's Avatar
There's male providers on the board?
'TUNACAN''s Avatar
Carmella_love69's Avatar
No this thread is mainly for provider who would like to list they are not refrence friendly...
The OP meant hobbyist not Male providers. There are lots of "ladies" that are not reference friendly and she is inviting them to go ahead and put their names here, in the open, so you guys know.
Grace Preston's Avatar
You'll notice the crickets. Most of them are never going to be ballsy enough to admit it publicly (with one notable exception). They want to take a hard line on not "having to" give references.. but they damn sure don't want the client pool knowing that seeing them is pointless if they need to get references to see other ladies.
TinMan's Avatar
Perhaps a more productive approach would be for ladies to post “shout outs” to their peers who have been prompt in responding to reference requests.
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
References are a privilege not a requirement. I provide references because I want too not because I have too.
Grace Preston's Avatar
References are a privilege not a requirement. I provide references because I want too not because I have too. Originally Posted by Nina the Dicknapper
And you are the one exception I mentioned above. You've always been very open and honest about your stance on references. I may not agree with your stance, but I can respect the fact that you are 100% honest about it.
None of us HAVE to provide a reference. It does help to keep everyone on their toes and the community safe. What irks me are the ladies that ask for a reference, but damn sure will not respond to one. I have 3 gents waiting right now with 6 ladies & no response in 2 days. I always offer alternate screening as is bothersome to say the least. Ladies that refuse to provide references say the rest of us are LAZY and are getting them to do the heavy work. Eye roll. It simply screams insecure and desperation. Grace is correct, the ladies in question won't admit it here.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Will the ladies who don't give references call the client and offer a low ball deal to come see them as opposed to the lady who is asking for the reference?
Im 49 and dont consider myself an old fart but gonna make an old fart comment....I wonder if some of the lack of response is due more to our culture in general has become incommunicado in some ways.
People in general dont fucking respond/reply to text/emails and NEVER ANSWER THE FUCKING PHONES!
I honestly wonder if it's not that theyre not reference friendly, it's that theyre part of our culture of ignoring.
Rant over
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Will the ladies who don't give references call the client and offer a low ball deal to come see them as opposed to the lady who is asking for the reference? Originally Posted by mrredcat43
Believe it or not, some actually do.
pmdelites's Avatar
I wonder if some of the lack of response is due more to our culture in general has become incommunicado in some ways.
I honestly wonder if it's not that theyre not reference friendly, it's that theyre part of our culture of ignoring.
Rant over Originally Posted by Butch Cassidy
i dont thinks it’s due to the above or being “clingy” & not wanting to let a client see ither providers.

i just think it’s prolly cos they are either lazy or are not in control of their email acct or just dont want to give a references (“too much work/a hassle/etc.).

lesson to apply & learn - ask when you book ir when you leave or w/in a day of the appt. thank her for the delites, be courteous, let her know you will be back (if you really intend to).

then if she doesnt give out a ref, let us guys know about it in “private.”
'TUNACAN''s Avatar

you're 49... One more year and the big 50! You will have achieved Senior Citizen status and that get's you $ .05 cent coffee at the local Whataburger and a bunch of different discounts at major retailers. It's really not a big deal being a old fart. The ladies don't really care, like a slot machine, just keep feeding them the money. Oh, AARP will start sending you junk mail wanting you to join.