What do you want from a session?

Reincarnated's Avatar
I find myself these days not satisfied with just a great session. There are a couple ladies that I genuinely like and enjoy just being with and would love to take them to lunch, happy hour, or a good massage or concert or two. Being 15 yrs their senior I doubt they feel that way and its all just an IOP. Guess Im a little nuts to think that that could happen...
Nothing nuts about it as long as you expect to pay for her time. Your title does suggest it's all part of the session.

However if you expect a popular provider to date you off the clock well then yes I would say it is a bit naive.
I doubt the 15 year difference in age has any relevance whatsoever. It's about business vs her personal life.
If one really likes you in that way she'll let you know. That being said be careful what you wish for cuz you just might get it and all that comes with it.
rrrabbit's Avatar
The last time I nutted in a session with a provider was... Ugh, I can't even remember the year.

Not bashing on her. Themz are lovely ladies, and I am v v picky.

Therefore, since it's all in my head, shame be on me if I expect a stranger to read me like a book while feeding me a carrot.

I thinks we absorb what we set ourselves up for.