Ever notice...

Ever notice that things portrayed in the porn industry seem to have caused a desensitized effect upon people's sexuality in today's society vs. the way things were viewed many years ago? I say this for example because of many of the threads I've seen lately seem to point towords a trend society that has come to view porn more often and more acceptable openly than it has in the past. Take for example (and I'm not picking at this thread at all rather just using it as an example) the recent Gang Bang or MFM threads that have been here recently.

I mean many years ago even in the 1980's such discussion or portrayal of such activities even in the porn industry was considered niche or not openly talked about. But as the Porn industry has progressed and been brought to the media in so many different avenues or mediums you see that its acceptance is no longer such a niche line of thinking but its come to be almost mainstream in some regards. Have we become Desensitized to it? Or programed to feel its not as big a deal as it used to be in the past? Sexual acts that were considered extreme or Niche porn seem to be becoming no more shocking or taboo than seeing two people kiss in an R rated film. Is it sexual revolution and more openness to ideas or is it over exposure from the media that has made such subjects/genres so nonchalant?
Dude, I'm as "sick" as they come, but that GB stuff turns me green....no way in hell I'm paying a provider to watch other guys do her....and you gotta know your gonna rub up against a guy at some point during the exchange...I'm old though, have trouble getting through my typical 4.5 minutes of actual sexual activity can normally muster, so I'm honestly not judging, but don't have to "get it" eigher...Must be a younger generation thing, so see your point..
And then you drive 45 mins to buffalo, to be met with apage of Chloes rules of engagement. Between that plus the screening process today, just to set up a meet, next well need voice recognition and a stool sample.I just want to go back to the good ole days of tub n tan,drive up get out get to it and leave..
what the HELL happened,there used to be a "rub joint" on every corner!!from henrietta to wbster to greece from sea to shining FFIN SEA!! Like getting rid of all those places really helped society, just made me GD FRUSTRATED!!!you could spend days and all expendible income on a nonstop thrill ride, what the HELL!!!!come back soon JP!!
  • m2244
  • 08-26-2010, 04:50 PM
all i will say is thank you....i had to argue this point with a few people a couple weeks ago...
Seems to me it is a hell of alot safer for everyone at tub n rub, no one has to know where you live, and it just kept everything neat and tidy.....and now , where the HELL do you go if you actually want an oil rub??? GODDAMN IT, now I feel alot of FRUSTRATION creeping back in!!!! GodDAMN MuthAR FFFFFEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRZZZZZS SSSSSS!!!!!!!!THE ROOF,THE ROOF, THE ROOF IS ON FIRE!! THE ROOF, THE ROOF, THE ROOF IS ON FIRE!!! THE ROOF, THE ROOF, THE ROOF IS ON FIRE!!! WE DON'T NEED NO WATER LET THE MUTHER FU@#er BURN!! BURN MOTHER EEEEEEEAAAAAAUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH!! !!!!!! BURN!!!!...
Decaf, Buzz, Decaf!!!......................
I was thinking decaf's a bit light...Meds man meds!
just need one of these hot providers, any takers?WHOS OUT THERE? m2244? you busy??
can't do meds, you need all your wits if your going up against m2244, kinda like mell gibson in braveheart, only in my case alot less, those things tend to make you a eunich...
Things seem to become more open and talked about with each generation, but that's the only difference. The sex is the same. I have two girl friends who were gang bangers 30 years ago.

Swingers are nothing new. Fetishes are nothing new. Group sex is nothing new. Enjoying watching people have sex is nothing new. Oral and anal sex are nothing new. The internet has allowed people of like minds to find each other. While some might find the talk of gang banging shocking, I suspect there are many here who have fetishes and are too embarrassed to even ask about providers who may offer such services or even ask providers directly.

It's not safe to assume that because you or I have no interest in a certain area of sex that everyone else feels the same way or that certain acts are anything new or that people are becoming desensitized. Many people finally feel FREE to do what they have wanted to do for years but couldn't because of the fear of being criticized. Many people finally have the opportunity.

I think the internet gives people an outlet to find others of like mind and it's emotionally safer to reach out to people on paper/internet than it is to in person. Porn and media are just a little nudge saying "You are not alone".
swaves, you up for anything spontaneous tonight ? or must i go through the refrence ringer and normal 2 call set up?

Yes sex is the same nothing is truly new...But generations seem more open about things...I sense the trend of the internet lends anonymity to many. It emboldens them to speak more freely on matters of sexuality and porn for instance. But it for sure is more accessible and in open forum as opposed to the past. And as the internet has grown so the ability to post with more discretion has allowed people to speak more freely about things as well.
  • Aguy
  • 08-27-2010, 10:42 AM

It's not safe to assume that because you or I have no interest in a certain area of sex that everyone else feels the same way or that certain acts are anything new or that people are becoming desensitized. Many people finally feel FREE to do what they have wanted to do for years but couldn't because of the fear of being criticized. Many people finally have the opportunity.
Originally Posted by summerwaves
It's kind of one differences between what's perverted and what's kinky. Perverted is anything you won't do, kinky is anything you will do.
Oh I do remember back in the day things just were not discussed..I totally agree that the internet has opened up many venues of menus depending on the type of apatite you
have that particular moment...
swinger's have been around for well before the 70's I just think it came into its own around the 70's...gb's well they have been around since before time started..I have been able to help out with many many many different sorts of fetishes..( and there are gobs of em!!)
I have to agree with Swaves..the internet is there to let many know..hey you ARe not alone in what it is your looking for..just click a link!!They make it just sooo easy!!