Post your wildest drunk driving stories!

Humpty Dumpty's Avatar
I once almost passed out in the drive thru at Jack in the box at 12th and airport.

In an another occasion, I was driving drunk in the rain and hit someone in the ass end. I kept on going and they didn't Chase me. I parked somewhere safe and slept it off in the car.

I once drove drunk from South side San Antonio back to Austin drunk holding the horn down all the way. The horn fuse blew somewhere before San Marcos.

I would usually drive drunk or high down oltorf. Burton and Cesar Chavez looking for street hookers. Often I would urinate into empty plastic bottles and throw em out the window, or take a crap in various parking lots or car wash bays.

I once vomited out the window as I was driving down 8th by the police station.
I was visiting a friend that lived at Koenig and north Lamar. I lived off of Ben white. We started drinking beer, that ran our we went to. Bourbon and sent out for more beer. This went on from 2 in the afternoon till 2 the next morning. I remember getting in my car to drive home, next thing I,remember was trying to get my key in the appartment door and throwing up,on the door,mat. I do not remember driving. I still remember the feeling of dread going outside in the morning, hung over and dry,heaving checking the care for blood and,damage. No damage That was in the mid,70's. I immediately assessed drinking volumes. To this,day I drink very little, a small,glass of good rum about once,a,month and only at home. I was very lucky, have not wanted to,push me,luck
pussycat's Avatar
I heard Bret Kavanaugh is formulating a post for this thread.
Precious_b's Avatar
Just a few. All involve speeding. Nothing extravagant.
Passing a DPS officer 110+mph and he didn't even hit the siren.
Getting out of a speeding ticket (40+ above posted limit.)
Oh. One accident story. Proof you can survive a head on collision with a semi and not need the services of people in the medical field.
Treetop78759's Avatar
During this time of the year the acorns seem to rain down from the sky. To some this is annoying but to others it means hunting season.

I love to squirrel hunt but not in the traditional way. Squirrel hunting via auto is way more fun.

The first step is for you and a buddy to each drink a 12 pack of beer as quickly as possible. The second step is for each of you to get in separate vehicles and drive to a neighborhood with lots of trees. That's when the fun begins!

The object is to score points by hitting as many squirrels as possible. Points can be earned the following way.

If you hit a suicidal squirrel you earn 1 point. A suicidal squirrel is defined as one who runs out of front of you and just stops because they hate life and want to die.

If you hit a running squirrel on the first pass you get 3 points.

If a squirrel crosses the street and then attempts to runs back to the other side and you hit it you get 2 points.

If by chance you are not focused and hit a cat or dog you are deducted 4 points.

Each clean hit earns a .5 bonus. A clean hit is defined as one where the squirrel is not squished and just looks like it's asleep. Clean hits take skill.

The first person to score 20 points wins. The looser must clean the squirrels