U.S. closes major San Diego port of entry as migrants rush border.

I've been to Tijuana twice. Both times it was a shit hole. I cannot imagine what it's like now. When I went (years ago) the border crossing at that time seemed like complete chaos. God bless our border agents - they have to put up with so much crap on a daily basis. And thank God for President Trump - at least he's doing something about it. Hell, even the mayor of Tijuana has asked for help from the United Nations. Oh -- perhaps the United States should do the same. Why not?

pussycat's Avatar
It's about freakin' time!

These self-entitled assholes have been sponsored by every shithole government south of the border to come here and assert their demand to be here regardless of our wishes.

When my ancestors came to America 180 years ago they didn't just show up and demand to be here.

My ancestors were asked to come here by the people already here who owned this place because my ancestors were needed here. My ancestors were immigrants who were solicited to come here.

The facts are that few if any illegals are not also invited to be here, but not by our government or we the people. They are asked to come here by unscrupulous employers who want them here to exploit them and destroy the labor market for our own citizens.

Any employer who employs an illegal should be tared, feathered, and then strung up from a tree.

Yes they should be lynched!

Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 11-26-2018, 06:09 PM
The UN - "One ring to rule them all!"

We should expel the UN and let them sit in Brussels. And though I know many people who are upset about the world trying to force immigration on us, the most upset are the folks I've worked with who went through hell and, at times, several years of waiting for visas.
Precious_b's Avatar
... Hell, even the mayor of Tijuana has asked for help from the United Nations. Oh -- perhaps the United States should do the same. Why not?

... Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Because he doesn't want to be in the UN. So why should he ask their help? The $$$ we'd drop in that organization to use their help is already spent here with the troops put on the border. Mute point.
Little Monster's Avatar
I think they should start throwing tear gas on these motherfuckers!! Fuck Em, they deserve it!!
I lived in San Diego for 13 years (gorgeous city) and sure I visited Tijuana. Like all border towns it was indeed a shithole. However aside from that it had some amazing brothels and clubs and I loved the tacos.

After the Haitians trying to get in the border and now this caravan, its got to be a real mess there. Especially since this caravan has been leaving trash throughout their entire path. I'm glad mexico has started to also deport them back to their countries at least.
pussycat's Avatar
I lived in San Diego for 13 years (gorgeous city) and sure I visited Tijuana. Like all border towns it was indeed a shithole. However aside from that it had some amazing brothels and clubs and I loved the tacos.

After the Haitians trying to get in the border and now this caravan, its got to be a real mess there. Especially since this caravan has been leaving trash throughout their entire path. I'm glad mexico has started to also deport them back to their countries at least. Originally Posted by Aramis13
I think for you to call towns in Mexico "shitholes" is racist. These places south of our border are disadvantaged and their people struggle with poverty because of the way they were exploited by foreigners who took advantage of them. They make a lot of babies down there, because they don't have any money for birth control, and their church won't let them have abortions. They start having sex with their brothers and uncles at an early age because the waters there spike their men's testosterone levels and they can't control themselves. They squeeze out ten or twelve kids they can't support by the time the girl's are even out of high school, not that they go to high school, because they don't have fair trade coffee companies to sell their coffee beans too.

Little Monster's Avatar
I think for you to call towns in Mexico "shitholes" is racist. These places south of our border are disadvantaged and their people struggle with poverty because of the way they were exploited by foreigners who took advantage of them. They make a lot of babies down there, because they don't have any money for birth control, and their church won't let them have abortions. They start having sex with their brothers and uncles at an early age because the waters there spike their men's testosterone levels and they can't control themselves. They squeeze out ten or twelve kids they can't support by the time the girl's are even out of high school, not that they go to high school, because they don't have fair trade coffee companies to sell their coffee beans too.

Originally Posted by pussycat

Wow, that sounds a lot like Arkansas. Perhaps we should build a wall at the Texarkana border.
romantico's Avatar
Mute point. Originally Posted by Precious_b
*Moot point.
Dev Null's Avatar
It's a tough situation for the migrants. Most of them can't go home because of rampant violence, and most of them would be denied asylum in the U.S. no matter who was in charge.

The maquiladoras on the border are actively recruiting migrants because there are tons of openings in low-wage positions that the locals don't want. Maybe not the outcome the migrants were hoping for, but better than what they had.