
VitaMan's Avatar
What would be wrong with letting each individual woman decide for herself whether to have a baby or not ?

No imposing on others.....no arbitrary decisions on when life begins......consistent with American ideas of freedom.

Why is that so difficult ?
texassapper's Avatar
What would be wrong with letting each individual woman decide for herself whether to have a baby or not ?
No imposing on others.....no arbitrary decisions on when life begins......consistent with American ideas of freedom.
Why is that so difficult ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Because, as has been mentioned many times, A woman DOES get to decide for herself whether to have a baby or not when she decides to use (or not use) Birth Control BEFORE a sexual encounter.

Once there is a second life involved, she DOESN'T get the right to kill that life because it's inconvenient.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

Why do you think women can't think for themselves and opt to use Birth Control? It's cheap, easily accessible, and in many cases free.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Because, as has been mentioned many times, A woman DOES get to decide for herself whether to have a baby or not when she decides to use (or not use) Birth Control BEFORE a sexual encounter.

Once there is a second life involved, she DOESN'T get the right to kill that life because it's inconvenient.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

Why do you think women can't think for themselves and opt to use Birth Control? It's cheap, easily accessible, and in many cases free. Originally Posted by texassapper

Once upon a time I was a married lass. I have children-- ALL of which were conceived on various forms of birth control. The quoted failure rates of birth control assumes perfect use 100% of the time. Antibiotics can affect birth control. Irregular periods can affect birth control. Hormonal imbalances can affect birth control.

I by no means feel that abortion should be used as birth control-- but the argument that birth control is available isn't a great argument. I know way too many who have been in my shoes.
texassapper's Avatar
I by no means feel that abortion should be used as birth control-- but the argument that birth control is available isn't a great argument. I know way too many who have been in my shoes. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
There is of course, a fool proof birth control method... but nobody expects people to be responsible enough to use it...

it's called don't fcuk.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Most married couples don't use that method. All of my children were conceived in wedlock... despite our efforts to NOT have children.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-10-2022, 01:04 PM
There is of course, a fool proof birth control method... but nobody expects people to be responsible enough to use it...

it's called don't fcuk. Originally Posted by texassapper
Great advice on a Hooker Board. Congrats....you've won the fluffer job at a gay porn shoot.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-10-2022, 01:05 PM
Most married couples don't use that method. All of my children were conceived in wedlock... despite our efforts to NOT have children. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
You probably would if you were marr6to this silly sob!
texassapper's Avatar
Great advice on a Hooker Board. Originally Posted by WTF
Context doesn't change facts, dummy.

Congrats....you've won the fluffer job at a gay porn shoot. Originally Posted by WTF
Sorry, I appreciate the offer, but I won't be taking over your job... you're already the best at it.
Once upon a time I was a married lass. I have children-- ALL of which were conceived on various forms of birth control. The quoted failure rates of birth control assumes perfect use 100% of the time. Antibiotics can affect birth control. Irregular periods can affect birth control. Hormonal imbalances can affect birth control.

I BY NO MEANS BELIEVE ABORTION SHOULD BE USED AS BIRTH CONTROLE—- but the argument that birth control is available isn't a great argument. I know way too many who have been in my shoes. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
But Grace, by the Governments own surveys, 98% percent of all abortions where the mother is healthy and the “fetus” is healthy are considered “convenience abortions”, ie, we just don’t want the baby.

Into the future, in a more enlightened age, our children's children’s children might look back and say, “they were barbarians. They slaughtered their unborn children in the womb”.
Ripmany's Avatar
Do test tubes decide if there want there baby or not even more it not even a tube.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Most married couples don't use that method. All of my children were conceived in wedlock... despite our efforts to NOT have children. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

Hate to say it but none of that has anything to do with whether or not States should decide this issue. The sad truth is, the SC Judges should not care about any of that. They are supposed to only care about what that document says or doesn't say. There are legislative ways to solve this and "the way" is by the States deciding this issue. Talking about inconvenience or any other issue, does not address that fact.

Abortion will not be banned in the US if this decision stands and that's another fact.
texassapper's Avatar
Do test tubes decide if there want there baby or not even more it not even a tube. Originally Posted by Ripmany
Are you having a stroke? Do you need someone to get you medical help?
Grace Preston's Avatar
Hate to say it but none of that has anything to do with whether or not States should decide this issue. The sad truth is, the SC Judges should not care about any of that. They are supposed to only care about what that document says or doesn't say. There are legislative ways to solve this and "the way" is by the States deciding this issue. Talking about inconvenience or any other issue, does not address that fact.

Abortion will not be banned in the US if this decision stands and that's another fact. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

This thread wasn't about the SCOTUS decision from what I can see.. it was about whether or not a woman should have the ability to decide for herself on this matter...... and my comments were in regards to the failure of birth control and how just saying "use birth control or don't have sex" isn't necessarily the most cogent argument.

Some states will ban abortion-- that is their right under the potential post this ruling. My issue with that is that these states are also creating laws that will penalize those who leave the state to seek abortion. Yes-- I think these will be struck down at some point as they impact individuals rights to move freely but in the meantime.....

Its much like the Texas law that enables people to civilly pursue a woman who has an abortion (and anyone that assists them). If this were limited to just impacted persons, such as the father of the unborn-- fine, whatever. But it isn't... a random stranger can opt to sue someone for leaving the state to have an abortion-- that's a problem.

If these laws were JUST being kept to access to abortion in their own states-- it would be one thing-- its all the little extras that are being discussed along with them.. from IUD's to Plan B.. and in one nutters case in Arizona-- condoms. Where do we draw the line?
texassapper's Avatar
If these laws were JUST being kept to access to abortion in their own states-- it would be one thing-- its all the little extras that are being discussed along with them.. from IUD's to Plan B.. and in one nutters case in Arizona-- condoms. Where do we draw the line? Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Well I have been told over and over by the left that if it saves just one life... it's worth it.

Sorry, not sorry.

Women have control over their reproductive rights until they actually have another life growing inside of them. Then the State (that's all the rest of us taxpaying folks) have a compelling interest in the safety and sanctity of that life.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Once again-- if the only argument is that its the sanctity of life... then why is there even discussion about banning IUD's, condoms, birth control for unmarried women......

It would be SO much easier to believe that it was about the sanctity of human life-- if there weren't so many other shadow puppets that appear to only be interested in decreasing the rights of women to autonomy in other ways .

Understand-- a lot of women are coming from a place where we aren't even allowed to have our tubes tied unless we already have two children AND our SPOUSE consents. So-- yeah.. its very hard for a lot of women to believe that the intentions are pure and JUST about the unborn.