The 2nd District in West Virginia Votes in Trump's Candidate

Chung Tran's Avatar

Yes, the 2nd District, that includes Fucknuckle. My mail in ballot was disqualified. Secretary of State said no mail in ballots accepted, after the Arizona and Wisconsin steal of 2020.

Trump is still the Head of the Party. But despite seemingly majority view that 2024 will be a Trump/Biden rematch, I don't think either gets their Party nomination.
... We'll surely agree to disagree there, mate.

Even Mitt Romney has agreed with me that the nomination
is Trump's if He wants it. (Though you could fit all of Mitt's
political knowledge in a thimble - and still have room for yer thumb.)

Sorry yer ballot got DQed, Mr. Chung - next time go vote in-person.
Glad to understand the YOU surely supported Mooney - Trump's bloke.

#### Salty