Republicans on the verge of 2 Major Defeats in one of the reddest of red states


Both US Sen. Pat Roberts, a Republican senator who has been in office since 1997, and Gov. Sam Brownback, a first-term governor running for re-election, are trailing their respective challengers in the poll.

Roberts is 5 points behind Independent candidate and businessman Greg Orman, while Brownback sits 4 points behind Democrat Paul Davis.

Kansas, a state that traditionally skews Republican, has become one of the most interesting electoral battlegrounds in the country, with Orman's sudden rise and Brownback's stunning fall.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Good! Their replacements will probably be just as bad, but it will be good to see them both gone. Especially Roberts. What a buffoon.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Zanza, don't lie to the people. This is Kansas but it is not the reddest of the red. They elected Kathleen Sebilius as governor, another democrat as the attorney general a couple of cycles ago, democrat Dennis Moore represented the largest cities in Kansas in congress.

The reason Pat Roberts is doing so bad is not the great democratic competition but he shot himself in the foot several times this cycle.