(Edit) rape victim denied abortion in Ohio

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You all think she should be forced to carry the baby to term and royally fuck up the rest of her life, huh?
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  • Devo
  • 07-02-2022, 11:49 AM
My mother was a health teacher, and she started teaching sex ed, pre Roe, according to what she has told me, abortions were always available, they were done secretly, in a doctors office, and it was a nudge nudge, wink wink affair.

Seeing that the patient was six weeks and three days, I don't see how it could have just been overlooked, and done, this sounds like a case presented to the media just for the anger it would generate.

But, in the meantime, I think rape should be made illegal, that way it will never, ever occur again.

Perhaps some "Common Sense" rape laws perhaps?

Or a ban on high capacity testes, no one needs more than ten sperm in a load.
Yes!! More unwanted babies for welfare mamas. THATs what we need. Brilliant
When she goes back to Ohio she can be tried for murder. That is the trash making the headlines, not that some Staff edit The Dr Nah lets ignore that because abortion = bad but rape=less bad, according to media.
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