david1978's Avatar
Read this in the San Antonio forum, thought it was relevant
Ranchhand's Avatar
It is relevant to the fact that the FBI does stings when there are underage providers involved. This is along the lines of human trafficking (sp). The FBI is in the business of finding minors and pimps that are forcing them into the prostitution business. The FBI doesnt get involved in prostitution stings for your regular prostitutes, they pretty much leave that to local LE. Can you imagine what the toll would be on the FBI if they were to get involved in prostitution nationwide, it would be a impossible task. As long as you are not seeing minors or ladies that are being forced into the business of prostitution, you dont have to worry about the FBI, you only have to worry about local LE. As I have said before, if you watch your p's and q's, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Remember, prostitution is as old as the world itself, and the FBI isnt ever going to get involved in something as simple as this. Prostitution is world wide, and is something that no agency is ever going to be able to prevent or even put a dent in. Hell, they cant even put a dent in the illegal drug business. Prostitution would be on the very bottom of their lists of priorities. Ranch