Help Rebranding?!?!

I’m thinking about totally rebranding myself! I want a new name, new website, new everything. How do I go about this or is there anyone reputable that I could pay to do this for me?
Ripmany's Avatar
1. First off why you have good reviews. If going to be provider there seem that you are not to open or close minded.
First change you number buy a new phone get a new ISP for you home. Maybe by a new pc. Then have new pictures taken. Maybe hair die and new swim suit. Never log into you old accounts.

I just don't understand why.
Done that to except on this site if I where you I wouldn’t
I’ve had the worst time trying to make a new name for myself
And have people be serious about seeing me
Perhaps safety issues as to why.... I dunno. Everyone has their own reasons for something. We’ve all had our own run ins with crazies...
Her choice , her reasons..Best of luck babe.
Ripmany's Avatar
Taylor made good point she will need new reviews maybe see a trusted guy or find even more crazies trying to make a name crazies pray on newbies.
@rip It’s not for you to understand why. The question was who can help me with rebranding. Not “what’s your opinion on me Rebranding?”
Ripmany's Avatar
If was any near close to you I will see you and give you a review under you new name.
Maybe hit up takenbystorm? I don't think she's on this site at all. I know she's got a blog with lots of great informational goodies, does site rebranding & building, booking/screening, has a newsletter (I follow her newsletter & like it). I also know another provider that has used her services -so maybe she might know how to successfully rebrand?
Alyssa Monroe's Avatar
Ive thought about doing this myself actually.. the process of building a rapport doesn't bother me.. its the work of having to start all that stuff is what has me avoiding it. countless hours of tweaking this and that, website building, social network building.. its very time consuming.
I'm confused. Why Rebrand? You have two pages of reviews of which all are positive with many long term hobbiests posting the reviews.

Solid post history with 170 posts.

All of this would disappear if you Rebrand.

When seeking a new provider your post and review history are exactly what I look for.

I would suggest take new photos to create new excitement. Have a lot taken and use those new photos when you post your ads.
It’s not for you to understand why. The question was who can help me with rebranding. Not “what’s your opinion on me Rebranding?” Originally Posted by MirandaLeigh
Ripmany's Avatar
Farmers buy and sell cows how are they rebranded?
StephanieHepburn's Avatar
I could help with this
I'm actually holding my breath & waiting now, myself, to see if I'll have to rebrand for safety reasons... ugh. Lets get down to it, rebranding is a pain in the ass & a big step back in many ways so I doubt any provider would go through the hit of it unless they had to. Now as for their reasons that at their discretion & for good reason