Alert! Ladies BE Careful! This is Chilling! Please Read ENTIRE POST and LINK!

This is unbelievable! All lets be safe and help one another!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-31-2012, 07:58 AM
It is very sad. Most of us don't want to think about this part of the business. Some guys want to claim it doesn't exist but it does.

Kendall, you are right--everyone who plays in this needs to be aware, and do their part to keep all of us as safe as possible.

A depressing read to start the day.
cumalot's Avatar
There are some sick morons out there that think macho is the way to be around people and when things don't go their way they play God and end someones life. Every one needs to watch out for each other and keep each other safe.....
Guest092815's Avatar
My heart goes out to you and your late friend. I am very sorry.

Girls, we must bee ever more careful. There are theives, killers, and pimps watching all the time.
It's a good idea to let one special person know the location where you are at all times. (for all appts)

Peace and love,
markroxny's Avatar
Absolutely horrifying.

I was just talking about this with a provider friend of mine (who i love ). I got a text from another provider friend of mine who said that a cab driver tried to kidnap her the night before. She was able to unlock the back door and jump out of the car on the highway and run to a public pier. The story was really disturbing to me personally because I know she has a daughter.

A lot of hobbyist have no idea the crazy shit providers go thru. I am friendly with a few providers and I have heard some real horror stories. It's a crazy game this business. Never underestimate what your next provider has gone thru.

I'm very sorry for that young lady's loss.
jaydalee's Avatar
Thanks Kendall for this post.A reminder to always be safe and let someone know where you will be at all times.I am saddened reading this link and her friend had no info on who she was going to see.
So sad that a life was taken so young and so senseless.
DallasRain's Avatar
{Sad fact of this lifestyle}

Thanks for the posting

stay safe friends!!
OMG, this shit has to stop! I hope they put whoever did this under the jail! A girl was found shot in the head here in Chicago about 3 weeks ago. She was in town touring/working from Dallas.

This is just a shame. Please be careful girls and girls we have to do our part like Kendall said. Lets help each other. Jaydalee has a good point. Call a girlfriend or something and let her know who you are going to see. Even though you are screening. Make that a part of your screening process!

Please be safe all! This is making me cry!