Not the product, but the reviews!

TechOne's Avatar

hilarious...not spontaneous...but hilarious nonetheless!
MrHappy4u's Avatar
Hilarious!!! Well, at least a couple of guys now know how a lot of ladies felt when the epilady came out.
Uhh, Git. How did you stumble across this product to see the reviews? Changing products? Lol
Apparently he was looking for an effective way to manicure his gentleman's log cabin.
TestSpin's Avatar
GREAT find! It's been a long time since I've laughed THAT hard.
TechOne's Avatar
Uhh, Git. How did you stumble across this product to see the reviews? Changing products? Lol Originally Posted by jim1995
My neighbor lady sent me this link, then 10 minutes later, she comes knocking on the door with a No-No in hand! We were sipping Pennsylvania Dutch Egg Nog and giving each other the 'treatment'. What a way to Leck the Balls...errr...Deck the Halls!
I haven't had a good belly laugh in some time.
Thank you!