
I try to get tested every six months but give been a lot busier so I decided to step it up to every 4 months. Also switched from doc & the box (and what ever test they recommend) to an online STD check place. Then have a 10-Test panel that seems pretty comprehensive but doesn't include Trich.

Guys, how often do y'all get checked? What tests do y'all get?

Ladies, how often would you like us to get checked? What tests should we get. Is Trich testing that important?
I use an online lab. I fill out the form, send my payment, and print out the lab sheet. I can take that sheet to one of the labs on the list and they take a blood sample. Usually 2 or 4 days later I get an email with my results and a phone number to call if I want a doctor to review the results with me. It is much more convenient than the doc-in-a-box method. I try to get tested every 6 months. The Trich test costs extra, so I only get that once a year unless I get suspicious of a provider I have visited.
I usually pay $200 for a 10 panel screening. Adding a Trich test is an extra $100.
Sounds like the place I just used. Didn't go with Trich this time. May have to spring for the extra next time
dj8rocks's Avatar
I get a full panel test once a year on my annual health physical, no cost.
plainjoe's Avatar
The online testing is "confidential" meaning no real record are kept unless you give them your real name, e-mail, phone number...which is good if you want to keep your hobby life and real life separate. And yes, it's about $200 - paid with a gift card, from Walmart paid in cash.