
I cant get on chat with a galaxy s4. Anybody know why. Thanks.
mtabsw's Avatar
I'm using a MAC which usually works fine - but it just sits there spinning "Loading."

I've rebooted - anything going on maybe?
I'm also having trouble with the Chat. I used to be able to connect to it fine but NOW, it has been saying, "Connection Failed" I'm using a Laptop, one I've used many times to get on the Chat. Is anyone else experiencing these problems?
Same here with chat.
I think it has something to do with a recent flashplayer update.. but even after uninstalling and installing previous versions, reinstalling browser, doing system restore to a point before the updates...still can't get in.
For what it's worth.. chat is working for me again now.
Wish I could say the same...
I just tried updating the systems and everything. Still, nothing. I guess I won't be getting on here much anymore.
I'm having the same problem with my Samsung s3 not loading chat. Abby solutions?
How do you get in the chatroom with a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 or a Tablet?

Someone told me to download an app to be able to get in the chat thru both of them but I don't know whats its called. Anyone know? Please let me know. Thanks.