Indians delay Dakota pipeline

VitaMan's Avatar
The Indians have managed to delay completion of a pipeline with their protests, despite all of the required and completed government hearings, engineering studies, and permits.

What do the Indians do besides this ? They would still be roaming around on
horseback with bows and arrows if not for assistance.
Slitlikr's Avatar
They are tools of the Obama administration.

His buddy Warren Buffet has a lot to lose in crude by rail profits and railcar manufacturing revenue when the pipeline goes into service.
Solemate62's Avatar
They are tools of the Obama administration.

His buddy Warren Buffet has a lot to lose in crude by rail profits and railcar manufacturing revenue when the pipeline goes into service. Originally Posted by Slitlikr
I'm trying to draw a mental pic of Obama gathering the Indians in th Oval Office and advising them on how to disrupt the pipeline! OP, pretty racist statement I'd say! Nothing to do except ride horses with their Bows and Arrows! Trump would be proud!!
VitaMan's Avatar
Haven't you watched the western movies ? The only way you got anywhere was to take a stagecoach, and you were taking your life into your own hands. Why.......because the Indians would attack.

It would be the same thing today without our men and women serving us in the armed forces.

You like getting packages by Fedex, don't you ? Do you think there would be any chance for you to get a Fedex ground package if the Indians were roaming free ?
chicagoboy's Avatar
Indians delay Dakota pipeline Originally Posted by VitaMan
Are they still pissed off about losing the World Series?
Slitlikr's Avatar
When his minions failed, he stepped in.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-07-2016, 08:50 PM
It was a good move by Obama. He wasn't even supposed to step in on the situation. But it sets up trump for a good fight. People will show up in bigger numbers. We will see how trumps team of noobs works the pro vet pro cop situation as they face off.
Seems like its mostly white paid protestors to me.

Nary a train or tank truck being stopped. Go figure.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Probably got paid to protest just like after the election.
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
You can always tell who is liberal. They all love to call people racist.
The decision has been made to re-route the pipeline. Cost Houston area jobs already. Merry Fucking Christmas
lizardking's Avatar
Haven't you watched the western movies ? The only way you got anywhere was to take a stagecoach, and you were taking your life into your own hands. Why.......because the Indians would attack.

It would be the same thing today without our men and women serving us in the armed forces.

You like getting packages by Fedex, don't you ? Do you think there would be any chance for you to get a Fedex ground package if the Indians were roaming free ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
That's some pretty incredible ignorance right there. Maybe if our European ancestors hadn't murdered and displaced a significant portion of the native American population they'd let them stage coaches be. I guess you're surprised that them damn Iraqis and Afghans are shooting back at us. The nerve of those bastards! Interfering in our invasion and occupation of their homeland . . . really!

And I don't want to overload your tiny brain with too much information all at once, but "Indians" are "roaming free". I'm pleased to report that my FedEx packages seem to be getting through without delay.

I'll hazard a guess here that you're certain torture works because it always worked for Jack Bauer.
VitaMan's Avatar
What would Jack Nicholson have to say about this ?
lizardking's Avatar
What would Jack Nicholson have to say about this ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Jack Nicholson or some character Jack Nicholson plays in a film? From your initial post, I'm not sure you realize there's a difference. You seem to be suggesting that westerns are a good source for history. To the contrary, I imagine westerns are where one should least expect to find anything approaching an accurate depiction of the actual historical native American experience.

This reminds me of the Lewis Black bit where he takes a well-aimed shot at the idiots who think the Earth is only 6000 years old and that, consequently, humans and dinosaurs co-inhabited the planet at the same time. Mr. Black says, "So what they're saying is that when they're watching The Flintstones, they're watching a documentary."

BTW, I received a FedEx delivery earlier today. No problem. And the driver told me there'd been no Injun attacks today (so far).
VitaMan's Avatar
You are completely missing the intent of this thread