People, lets be real with the reviews!

One thing that frustrates me about reading reviews and summaries of the encounters between hobbyist and providers is the wide spread failure to be forth coming with honest and real feedback of an encounter.

I'm aware that opinions are subjective to the view of the person with the opinion and may not always agree with the feelings of the masses but considering for many, reviews are used to give a general representation of the provider and gives an idea of what you may encounter during an encounter.

Well, today I had an experience that mortified me so much that thoughts of retiring from the hobby and moving to the realm of settling down and finding a girlfriend who would be my wife and live miserably ever after crossed my mind.

What happened you may ask?

I went to visit a provider today and my decision was made from the reviews and feedback of hobbyist who have had past encounters with this provider. Now I am aware that reviews are opinions and doesn't always reflect the true representation of that provider and the services that provider may render so I issued the benefit of the doubt and thought I would see for myself.

Now granted, there were reviews that issued "No" recommendations, a couple that were luke warm, and a few that gave "Yes" suggestions but I decided to take the plunge and have a personal encounter for myself.

Some hobbyist idea of appealing and attractive seems to stem from the amount of alcohol they consume, failure to wear their eye wear, or psychosis stemming from schizophrenia or some other mental disorder because the description disclosed regarding this particular provider was so shocking that a feeling of despair and shame overcame me for being in the same location with this person.

Some of the reviews described her as having a nice MILF figure, with a cute face that displays her age....WRONG!!! This woman had the head the size of a pit bull, hands that rivaled SHAQ in size, and feet that made one wonder if she/IT was packing a 14 inch shlong.

I found nothing about this person appealing or attractive and I marvel at the number of reviews that are embellished by hobbyist who feel the need to be that knight in shining armor and offer a raving review that puts that provider in a position to fail because the bar was placed at a position that, if they cant reach, will fail.

Based on the appearance of this provider, I was overcome with the feeling that this may even be someone attempting to transition by taking subtle steps to mask some masculinity with collagen injections, enormous MM's, and commonly known steps to transition.

I rarely will submit reviews of a provider unless it is something that is blatantly negative and the hobbyist are required to know and I'm honest in my description. If the provider is flabby with hail damage riding the back of her legs, don't describe the provider as being toned with MILF type body. Don't describe the boobs as firm and perky when in fact they look like egg yolks and hang lower than Saddam Hussein after his conviction.

Be honest......

So with that being said, I must ask, why do hobbyist embellish reviews? Are we in a society that everyone must be placed in a "safe space" to avoid hurting someone's feelings?

Again, don't get me wrong, I understand that each have their own preference in what they may find attractive but do not describe a woman that is 5'4, 185lbs as a exact duplicate of Halle Berry.

Just to give you an example of what I am conveying, look at the following description and pictures of this provider and you tell me if you see Halle Berry.

Am I over-reacting or should I just retire, get married and get out of the hobby?
She had one review and several other red flags. Take my advice on this, if a providers appearance is not commented on in the ROS then something is up. Don't depend on the description part they can see.
Well the provider in the link is not the provider I saw today.....the link displays a review by a hobbyist who said that the provider looks like Halle Berry.

I used that as an example to give people an idea of what I was referring to with the embellished reviews.
I hear ya, It's happened to all of us.. But dude, if she looked like Halle Berry, I would be the one doing the review. Lol...And like I said He didn't say anything about her appearance in the ROS. It's something I always think twice about.
TheOracle's Avatar
Yeah, it's all subjective, but I always try to keep in mind that while some of us may just hobby for fun and have no issue attracting nice looking women in the real world, there are a lot of ppl here that do pay out of necessity and probably don't have much experience w/ a certain caliber of women for whatever reason. Therefore they may have a skewed perspective. What some of us may deem average, or unattractive, will be considered "gorgeous" or "smoking hot" to others who are not used to dealing with certain women.

In other words, if someone is used to dealing w/ 4's and 5's a 7 will probably seem like a 9 or 10 to them. If you're used to dealing with 7's and 8's a 7 will just seem like a plain ol' 7.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 01-17-2018, 02:10 PM
While I understand your frustration, I think the example you provided should have been left out or should have been the provider you saw.
pmdelites's Avatar
sometimes the visit is deliteful!! :^}
sometimes it's not so deliteful :^{

sorry that your visit didnt cum out the way you hope or expected.
however ...

"... Be honest......

So with that being said, I must ask, ..."

so who did YOU go visit who didnt apparently match the image you gathered from her prior reviews ???
or a link to your honest review of her.
Yeah, it's all subjective, but I always try to keep in mind that while some of us may just hobby for fun and have no issue attracting nice looking women in the real world, there are a lot of ppl here that do pay out of necessity and probably don't have much experience w/ a certain caliber of women for whatever reason. Therefore they may have a skewed perspective. What some of us may deem average, or unattractive, will be considered "gorgeous" or "smoking hot" to others who are not used to dealing with certain women.

In other words, if someone is used to dealing w/ 4's and 5's a 7 will probably seem like a 9 or 10 to them. If you're used to dealing with 7's and 8's a 7 will just seem like a plain ol' 7. Originally Posted by TheOracle

True True... In my humble opinion, my GF is hotter than all of them. Shit hotter than any RW girls I know.. Too bad she won't let me fuck her as much as I want. Why do you think I'm here. Lol
corona's Avatar
Hey OP, where's your review of the provider?
Hey OP, where's your review of the provider? Originally Posted by corona

Exactly? You gonna contribute or what? I can't wait to read it.
Chung Tran's Avatar
the diatribe does nothing until you name who you saw.. it stands as innuendo unless you do.. the Halle Berry reference falls flat, we have no idea if that lady looks like Halle, her pics don't suggest otherwise.. you haven't seen her, so why bring up that review??

I always list height and weight in my reviews, long with breast size, and the usual hair/face.. no one gets surprised following me to a lady's bed.
Bruce Fassbender's Avatar
Yet, you’re unwilling to name the provider you’re referencing. Smh
I read the OP's post before I read the responses and the first thing that came to mind was "who did you see" The OP call out other hobbyist to write an honest review but then doesn't mention who he is referencing--nor write his own review. HE even takes it step farther but singling out a provider her never saw.

I get what the OP is doing (or trying to do) but the delivery is BS with out names...he is basically contradicting yourself.

Anyhow I agree with honesty in the review despite how harsh it is.
OP has 4 reviews and he is complaining about how reviews are written. Hilarious

FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!
SLUTS UNITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A review can't be written if no activities were performed....rules of the them sometime.

Just like one of the responders to this post said, it's not a good idea to post who that provider is in this post, so if you are interested, drop a PM and I'll be happy to disclose who that provider is.

Complaining about reviews?


Not difficult to identify a site Knight in shining armor.

Poster to this discussion made a great point, not all hobbyist are forced to be hobbyist because of an inability to get action outside of Eccie, we are hobbyist because as the cliché goes, "it aint trick'n if you got it".

Not all encounters are worthy of posting a review and the time required to disclose an encounter isn't worth the effort unless attention needs to be brought to the masses.

"txboi817" excellent point you made, you summed it up perfectly.....hobbyist give basic providers glowing reviews for shitty service. Don't eat at Wendy's and compare the experience as being equal to Ruth's Chris.

I got better things to do than document every encounter that, by the laws of the state, may be construed as illegal so I engage in the hobby as I see fit.

My cred isn't based on my site activity...