dirty dog's Avatar
A couple of years ago, Will Smith came out with a movie that had an unuaual name, 7 pounds, can anyone tell me what that means (i know the answer) and where it came from (i know the answer too) I will give you 2 days for someone to answer before I tell, you. But come on leave the politics alone and lets see what we can figure out.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, it's just a few pounds less than what CuteOldGuy's CuteLittleGuy weighs. This became obvious when you noticed that the movie had a very long trailer.
john_galt's Avatar
The seven lbs refers to organs that Smith donates to seven different people. He kills some people while driving distracted and he decided the only thing to do is to help some people. He gives up parts of his lungs and kidneys. He falls in love with a woman at the end (Rosario Dawson) and invites her to use his house with her children. She is abused wife. At the end Smith kills himself with a jellyfish while packed in an ice filled tube. Rosario gets his heart and the idiot Woody Harrelson gets his eyes.
Interesting premise - never saw the movie, though. I am an organ donor and I hope that others take the time to add that to their DL's - 'cause they'll just go up in smoke once I achieve room temperature.
dirty dog's Avatar
Well your close but there is another reference that you overlooking, the giving of his organs was part of it, but not all.
The movie is Freaking Awesome!! I hate watching it because I hate crying, and that movie is one hell of a tear jerker LOL. Worth watching though...just bring a box of tissues.
john_galt's Avatar
Now what? The stealing of his brother's ID...
dirty dog's Avatar
it has nothing to do with what happens in the movie per say, there is a reason for the title 7 pounds, it references acts, there is a story behind the title itself, I know about the movie, so telling me about it does not answer the question. Where did the concept that the title represents come from, I will give you a hint it has to do with redemption.
dirty dog's Avatar
The movie is Freaking Awesome!! I hate watching it because I hate crying, and that movie is one hell of a tear jerker LOL. Worth watching though...just bring a box of tissues. Originally Posted by BottomlessFilth

I thought it was a very good movie, your right it will tear you up even an old grizled fool like me LOL.
It also refers to Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice...the pursuing by Shylock of the payment of Antonio's flesh...was the central plot of the play
Jazzer's Avatar
I think Christine is correct, the reference to Shakespeare ("...the pound of flesh..") and Will's character feeling obligated to pay seven pound of flesh due to the 7 deaths he caused.
Another answer would be that the weight of ones internal organs is supposed to average about 7 lbs..
dirty dog's Avatar
You are correct, the movie is about redemption, the Merchant of Venice and it charactor Shylock the loan shark that required to make payment of or redemption of your debt, if you were unable to pay it you would have to give up a pound of flesh. Will's charactor killed 7 people, he was not able to make payment or redeme the loss of those lives, because he was not able to pay this debt he had to pay with his flesh, which is why he chose 5 people and gave them the gifts of life, a heart, part of his liver, bone marrow and his lung, he then gave 2 people the gift of a new life, the house for the abused mother and his eyes for the piano teacher.

Congrats to Top notch
dirty dog's Avatar
"Another answer would be that the weight of ones internal organs is supposed to average about 7 lbs.."

Ahhh but he did not just give his organs, he gave part of his liver and bone marrow, he then gave away his house.
You are correct, the movie is about redemption, the Merchant of Venice and it charactor Shylock the loan shark that required to make payment of or redemption of your debt, if you were unable to pay it you would have to give up a pound of flesh. Will's charactor killed 7 people, he was not able to make payment or redeme the loss of those lives, because he was not able to pay this debt he had to pay with his flesh, which is why he chose 5 people and gave them the gifts of life, a heart, part of his liver, bone marrow and his lung, he then gave 2 people the gift of a new life, the house for the abused mother and his eyes for the piano teacher.

Congrats to Top notch Originally Posted by dirty dog
It was a good movie
dirty dog's Avatar
It was a great movie, a little deep for some, but a great movie once you understood the if's and why's.