When I was born, my hips were not in place. Lucky for me, my ped. picked up on it and sent me to a hip/bone specialist and was put in a brace for the first 6 weeks of my life. I guess from what my mom has said, it is rare that my doctor picked up on it, that most the time, it goes unseen until I would have started walking and would have needed surgery. But problems could later occur.
Off and on for a while now, I have been having some pain. Some of the gents may or may not have even noticed it in an appointment, but if my right hip/leg is moved the right way, I am in an enormous amount of pain.
Today I went to my primary doctor to have it looked at. Of course, the way my doctor moves my leg didn't trigger the pain but she still prescribed me an anti-inflammatory, sent me down to get x-rays of my hip/lower back and I have to start going to a PT 2-3 times a week for a few weeks. Yikes!! I know that's what I thought as well!
But these are my thoughts...
- I have never been to PT, Never broken anything, and have heard they really don't do a whole lot, other than show you how to manage different pains/aches and so on..especially when a break hasn't occurred
- Maybe I just need to start working out again and keep with a schedule but don't want to risk hurting my self.