Got Scammed by Ten T (tryst)

She also goes by Christina, (Staff edit) She told me that a outcall is 20% because she’s coming from Indian PA, so I figured that’s fine, because I’ve never had any issues from any girls on tryst before. I sent her the $100 deposit via PayPal. And then she stopped responding for a bit. Later responded back “I’ll need the rest of the money when I show up, I wouldn’t scam you”. And she never showed up and stopped responding. She even taunted me by sending me requests via PayPal for another $100.

This is her link.

She seems like she’s super hot. Id see her if she made things right. But she’s not a good provider so she won’t. Just don’t send her any deposits.

If anyone wants proof of her scamming, pm me and I’ll send you all the screenshots. She’s fucked up for ruining hobby for other providers that require a deposit. There should be Trust to a degree.
As far as I'm concerned, scamming falls into the TGTBT category
Sorry to hear.

Dr-epg's Avatar
Not an encounter
Hey (Staff edit) , why did you say she already had a "report" about no deposit at 6:16pm but then you didn't post this until 7pm? Oh that's right because you're a liar and a scammer yourself. And why do you pretend to be a white person with a white name then wonder why someone doesn't wanna meet you after they find out you're a different race i
Umm, who is (Staff edit)and why did you just out the person in this thread where a mod has already posted........
Sorry you got scammed, but let’s all remember rule #1 - NEVER pay money in advance. Not “don’t pay in advance unless you’ve seen her before”. Not “don’t pay in advance unless you think she is trustworthy”. Not “don’t pay in advance unless she’s really hot and you REALLY want to be fuck her”. Never, period, full stop. Just walk away (and maybe rub one out) if she will not see you without a deposit. There may be some who come through, but it isn’t going to work out well very often. And the way these girls are, you could pay in advance ten times in a row and she might scam you on the eleventh one.
This girl requested a 25% deposit because she’s traveling from Indian PA. So I figure that’s fine because I never had any issues with girls off tryst. She took my $100 deposit and never showed up. When I asked her for a refund. She’s taunting me by sending me a request for another $100. She seems legit and I trusted her when I shouldn’t have. She’s the type of person that ruins this for everyone else. Because it breaks the little trust we have with meeting someone new.

Fellows don’t send her a deposit! She’s not gonna show. She will tell you that she won’t scam you, because she wants the rest of the money. She’s collecting $100 deposits and never showing. That’s a free $100 for her. I hope this review doesn’t get taken down like the last one. Everyone needs to know that she’s going to take your deposit and never show. So don’t send her a deposit.

Below are her links.

(Staff edit - Removed link)

Your previous review was not taken down. It was moved to the coed discussion forum since you did not actually have an encounter with this girl. Check over there; your episode of being scammed is well noted.

And never pay deposits to ANY provider, not just this one. It almost never works out well for you.
Never, never, NEVER give money in advance.
Well done Charly. She’s a player. She knows exactly what she’s doing. Smart girl (MBA smart), but not smart enough that if you dig a little deeper you’ll find out her RLI. She’s scamming the online and deposit game.
Hey ---, why did you say she already had a "report" about no deposit at 6:16pm but then you didn't post this until 7pm? Oh that's right because you're a liar and a scammer yourself. And why do you pretend to be a white person with a white name then wonder why someone doesn't wanna meet you after they find out you're a different race i Originally Posted by djsumm
Based on your post history, I'd say it's safe to assume you are in someway working with or you are this provider in question. First of all, you should not have posted their name. Second, why didn't you specify you only wanted people of a certain race?

Third, If you keep someone's money, you should not be surprised when they tell everyone that you did it. Why didn't you send it back as soon as you realized his name? Call it off then? I don't know what it is about people but they always go the route of "bad PR", I guess that's how it goes. I understand wanting to defend yourself but more people will see the title calling you a scammer than they will open this thread and see your comment trying to defend yourself. By outing someone too, which now no customer is going to want to reach out because you are clearly loose with their identities.

Idk this thread seems like a mess now and she's definitely got a big red flag on her name now, seems like it should have been resolved in a private message with a refund or something.
Her ad says no deposits. lol